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高一英語第十單元Sports (體育運動)

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高一英語第十單元Sports (體育運動)

科目 英語
年級 高一
文件 high1 unit10.1.doc
標題 Sports (體育運動)
章節(jié) 第十單元
在 Sports 這一單元,同學們將充分了解奧林匹克運動會 (the Olympic Games 或者 the Olympics )。當 1896 年的奧運圣火在希臘雅典重新點燃的時候,人們開始認識到,奧林匹克運動在現(xiàn)代社會生活中將越來越顯示出它的重要地位和作用。它以競技的形式,將不同國籍、不同膚色的人民緊緊聯(lián)系在一起,人們在五環(huán)旗下找到了自己的朋友,奧林匹克成為一種公用的世界語言。奧林匹克運動會是由國際奧林匹克委員會舉辦的多項目的世界綜合性運動會,每四年舉辦一次。
古代奧運會從公元前 776 年在有眾神之王宙斯神廟的奧林匹亞村舉行到公元 393 年間,共舉行過 293 次。393 年羅馬帝國入侵希臘后,羅馬皇帝狄奧多西下令廢止奧運會,并燒毀了運動場建筑。522 和 511 年的兩次強烈地震,把奧林匹亞深深埋在地下。從此,奧運會被人民忘記了。1894 年 6 月,34 國在巴黎召開國際體育大會,成立了國際奧林匹克委員會,并定于 1896 年4 月6 日至 15 日在希臘雅典舉行一一屆現(xiàn)代奧運會。以后每四年舉行一次,如因故不能舉行,奧運會的屆數(shù)照算。
現(xiàn)在奧林匹克運動會的比賽項目有:田徑、足球、游泳、籃球、排球、曲棍球、體操、射擊、舉重、自行車、摔跤、柔道、射箭、擊劍、手球、網(wǎng)球、乒乓球、羽毛球等以及冬奧運會滑冰、滑雪、冰球、有舵雪橇與無舵雪橇五項和現(xiàn)代冬季兩項(滑雪 + 射擊)。
正如第 38 課中所述:The Olympic motto is “Swifter , Higher , Stronger .”(奧運會的箴言是:更快、更高、更強) It means that every athlete should try to run faster , jump higher and throw further . They do their best to win medals . In 1988 Olympic Games in Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold medals , of which 12 were won by women .
在學習本單元之前,我們還應(yīng)了解中國選手在亞特蘭大表現(xiàn)出的震撼人心的英雄主義精神。孫福明賽前就爽快地說:“我來這里就是要金牌的!蓖踯娤荚谧约旱母表椗 5000 米沖刺中,遠遠甩下對手,沖向終點,博得觀眾席上如潮的掌聲。
這是一種必勝的信念,必勝的氣概 ! 中國人民就有那種戰(zhàn)勝一切困難、壓倒一切對手的自信。16 個日夜,億萬中國人民同征戰(zhàn)亞特蘭大的英雄兒女心心相印。在神州大地,為中國體育健兒助威的歡呼猶如滾滾春雷,響徹大江南北,匯成一個強音:“中國隊,加油!”人們笑看乒乓四金悉入囊中,人們暢論王軍霞健步如飛摘金奪銀,人們贊賞年輕的大力士占旭剛一舉打破三項世界記錄的威猛 …… 那是一種尊嚴的體驗、一種豪情的抒發(fā)、一種光榮的分享、一種志氣的高揚。體育健兒取得的驕人的戰(zhàn)績和氣貫長虹的英雄氣概,向世人昭示:一個偉大的民族正在崛起、正在振興。中國不再是無足輕重的角色,中國人不必仰慕別人的成功,完全可以為自己的光榮感到自豪,中華民族不愧是一個偉大的民族。
作為中學生,應(yīng)通過學習本單元后從靈魂的深處感觸到“自古英雄多磨難,從來紈绔少偉男”。賽場上的輝煌,從來是與艱辛相伴的。沒有超人的付出,就沒有驚人的收獲。要想讓祖國的榮譽、人民的期望隨國旗高升,隨國歌高奏,我們每一個華夏兒女都要有不達目的誓不罷休的拼搏精神。愛國主義是具體的,是我們把它融入千錘百煉的艱辛里,融入超越自我的攀登中。在 21 世紀的悉尼奧運會上,我們完全相信中國體育健兒會更加斗志昂揚,戰(zhàn)績輝煌。
同學們,讓我們張開雙臂去擁抱 21 世紀第一輪升起在奧運會賽場的驕陽,讓我們在莊嚴的五環(huán)旗下繼續(xù)譜寫壯美的奧林匹克華彩樂章 !
A. 大綱規(guī)定的單元日常核心交際用語指南
Preference (偏愛)
● Idiomatic Sentences 功能套語 30 句
1. - Which is your favourite month ? 你最喜歡哪個月份 ?
- I think May is the best month . 我認為五月是最好的月份。
2. I prefer to work in the sales department . 我寧愿在銷售部工作。
3. What job do you prefer ? 你喜愛什么工作 ?
4. They prefer working to doing nothing . 他們喜歡工作,不愿碌碌無為。
注意句型:prefer sth + to sth , prefer + to do rather than + do , prefer + doing + to +doing
5. Which do you prefer , riding a bike or taking a bus ?
6. I would rather walk home with Xiao Ming .
7. I\'d rather give up my opinion . It\'s no use making such a plan .
8. I would rather you took his advice . 我寧愿你接受他的建議。
注意:would rather 后的賓語從句中用過去時表達現(xiàn)在或者將來的時間。如果句中有表達過去的時間狀語時,并于從句用過去完成時。如:I would rather you had visited that county last year . 你要是去年參觀了那個縣就好了。
9. Which colour do you prefer , red or black ?
10. My mother would prefer me not to dress in black . 我媽媽不喜歡我穿黑色的。
11. I would rather have the small one than the big one .
12. Do you like fried egg better ? 你比較喜歡油炸的雞蛋嗎 ?
13. Do you like oranges better than apples ? 你喜歡橘子勝于蘋果嗎 ?
14. Would you rather stay here or go back home ?
15. We can travel by air or by train . What do you say ?
16. Do you find stamp collecting or gardening more to your taste ?
17. How do Marx and Jones compare , in your opinion ? 在你看來,馬克和瓊斯相比怎么樣 ?
18. We could put off the meeting . I leave it to you to decide .
19. As far as I am concerned , living in a cottage is more comfortable than living in a flat . 就我來說,生活在鄉(xiāng)村小屋比生活在公寓里更舒服。
20. For me , the best thing is to take a rest .
21. I enjoy watching TV plays in my spare time . 我喜歡在閑時看電視劇。
22. If possible , I\'d prefer to have a drink .
23. On the whole , I find riding a bike more enjoyable than riding a bus . 總的來說,我覺得騎自行車比乘公共汽車更愉快。
24. There is nothing I like / enjoy more than modern dance . 我最喜歡現(xiàn)代舞。
25. Fishing is a lovely way of spending a day off . 釣魚是度假的好辦法。
26. I can\'t tell you how much I like soft cheese . 我無法對你形容我是多么喜歡軟奶酪。
27. You can have Thursday or Friday off , what do you say ?
28. Frankly , I don\'t like the music of the 18th century . 坦白地說,我不喜歡18 世紀的音樂。
29. To be honest , I don\'t feel like eating anything today . 說真的,今天我什么都不喜歡吃。
30. Rather than take a bus , I prefer to take a plane .
● Model Dialogues (交際示范)
A:Would you like some fruit , Rose ?
B:Yes , please .
A:Which do you prefer , apples or bananas ?
B:I prefer apples to bananas . I think apples are more delicious than bananas .
A:OK , here are some apples . But I\'d rather have some bananas .
A:Do you often have sports at school ?
B:Of course . I love sports .
A:Which do you prefer , horse-riding or shooting ?
B:Shooting . Do you like shooting ?
A:I prefer horse-riding to shooting .
B:What about wrestling and sailing ?
A:Both of them are exciting , but I\'d rather watch them .
B:Me too .
A:Hello , what can I do for you ?
B:Do you have any salad ?
A:Yes . Would you like the Caesar\'s salad or fruit salad ?
B:I prefer Caesar\'s salad .
A:Anything to drink ?
B:Of course .
A:Coffee or tea ?
B:I prefer coffee .
Jane:Hello , Betty . Are you doing anything this Sunday ? How about going to see a film with me or would you rather see a play ?
Betty:To tell the truth , I\'d rather see a play . I don\'t care much for films . I hear a new play is on at the Grand Theatre .
Jane:Good . I\'ll see if I can get tickets for Sunday .
Betty:The thing I don\'t like on Sunday is that it\'s always so crowded . How about Friday or Saturday ?
Jane:That would be fine . I\'ll give you a call about the tickets later . Good-bye .
B. 單元重點新詞透視
1. exciting 作形容詞是指某事使人感到很激動和興奮,意為“令人興奮的,令人鼓舞的”,可以作定語和表語。如:
It\'s an exciting experience just to walk down a New York street . 漫步紐約街頭是一件十分令人激動的經(jīng)歷。
Skiing is more exciting than skating . 滑雪比溜冰更激動人心。
辨析 exciting 、 excited、excitement、excite、excitedly
◇ exciting 是“令人興奮的,令人鼓舞的”,可以作定語和表語。作表語時,其主語常常是物。
He told us a piece of exciting news .
The speech that he made last week proves exciting . 他上周做的報告證明是鼓舞人心的。
◇ excited 是“使興奮,被感到”,在句中做表語時,其主語常常是人。
The little boys were excited very much by the story .
At such a good news , he seemed excited all the morning . 聽到好消息后,他整個上午都興奮不已。
◇ excitement 是名詞,常用于固定搭配 “to one\'s excitement = to the excitement of sb”(使某人興奮的是)。in excitement = excitedly 興奮地。如:
He has a weak heart , and he should avoid excitement . 他心臟虛弱,應(yīng)避免激動。
After the meeting , he sang in excitement on his way home . 會議結(jié)束后,在回家的途中他興奮不已地唱個不停。
◇ excite 是動詞,excitedly 是副詞。如:
The news excited us . = We were excited by the news . = We were excited to hear the news .
Don\'t excite yourself . = Don\'t be excited .
It\'s nothing to get excited about . 這沒有什么可激動的。
Getting / Becoming excited easily is of no use . 易激動是沒有用的。
2. swift 常作形容詞“快的,迅速的”,其比較級為 swifter , 其最高級為 swiftest 。
The river is too swift to swim . 這河水流太急,不能游泳。
They had a swift visit to the shop . 他們匆匆地逛了一下商店。
測試要點:辨析 swift , quick , fast , rapid
swift 所指的運動速度最高,同時強調(diào)運動的平穩(wěn)瀟灑和輕捷不費力氣,靈巧優(yōu)美。常與 quick 通用。
He are in great need of a swift horse . 你十分需要一匹駿馬。
The eight-year-old boy gave me a swift / quick answer . 那個八歲的小男孩迅速地回答了我。
quick 指運動動作發(fā)生或者完成的迅速、敏捷,強調(diào)的是單一動作的突然性和短暫性。含有靈巧性。
He ate a quick breakfast and rushed off to work . 他匆匆吃了早飯就趕著上班去了。
I felt a quick pull on my fishing line . 我感到魚線給突然拉了以下。
He is quick to understand a stranger . 他善于理解陌生人的意思。
fast 多指運動的物體,位置移動的迅速,強調(diào)物體運動的方式,具有高速運動的含義。是 slow 的反義詞。
You are reading too fast for me to follow .
We must take the fast train .
My watch is fast . 我的手表快了。
He ran faster and faster along the bank of the river . 沿著河他跑的越來越快。
rapid 常和 fast 互換,但rapid 多指運動本身程度的變化,可以是人口的增加、進步的幅度等。
The improvement was very rapid . 改進極為迅速。
He made rapid progress last term .
3. medal 獎?wù),獎?
In the Olympic Games the first winner will get a gold medal . 在奧運會上第一名將獲得一枚金牌。
That officer received many medals for bravery . 這位軍官由于勇敢而榮獲許多獎?wù)隆?
測試要點:會區(qū)分使用 medal (獎?wù),獎牌? model (模特,), metal (金屬)
Can I have a look at your Medal of Freedom ? 我可以看一下你的自由勛章嗎 ?
He bought his son a model of ship from the USA . 他給兒子從美國買了一個輪船模型。
Do you want to be a model when you grow up ? 你長大后想當一名模特嗎 ?
China is a country with a long history . She is rich in many kinds of metals . 中國是一個擁有悠久歷史的國度,中國有豐富的礦藏資源。
4. prize 獎賞,獎品。常用于動詞 gain , get , receive , take , win , offer , give 等后面。
They got most of the prizes at the village flower . 他們奪得了該村花展的大部分獎項。
Winning the Nobel Prize for Physics is very difficult . 獲得諾貝爾物理獎是十分困難的。
測試要點:會區(qū)別開 prize (獎品) ,praise (表揚),price (價格)
He praised her for helping his son with the homework .
The price of the car is higher here than in that shop .
5. like 喜歡,喜愛。可以作介詞和動詞。
◇ like someone/something表示“喜歡某人或某物”
典型用法1. like...very much表示“非常喜歡.....”。
The parents like their little son very much.
典型用法2. like...better/best 表示“更/最喜歡......”。
Mike likes maths better than chemistry.
This is the pen that he likes best.
◇ like to do/doing...表示“喜歡做某事”。
典型用法 1. like doing...表示“經(jīng)常性、習慣性的動作”。
My father likes reading evening newspapers.
典型用法 2.like to do...表示“具體的或特定的動作。”
We like to have a talk with you.
◇ like someone to do...表示“希望/歡迎某人去做某件事”。
Do you like us to play together with you ?
◇ would like...表示“想要......”。
典型用法 1.would like something 表示“想要某物”。
Would you like some water ? No,thanks.
典型用法 2.would like to do...表示“想要做某事”。
◇ Mary would not like to attend such a meeting.
典型用法 3.would like someone to do 表示“想要某人去做某件事”。
I would like her to tell the truth.
The strangers would like those villagers to give them some help.
注:當?shù)谝蝗朔Q I 或we 作主語時,也可用 should like...。
◇ feel like...表示“感覺想要......”。
典型用法 1.feel like sth.表示“覺得想要某物”。
My sister felt like some sweets.
典型用法 2. feel like doing...表示“覺得想做某件事”。
What do you feel like doing before you go back ?
C. 單元重點詞組掃瞄
Lesson 37
1. have sports 進行體育運動
We have sports at four in the afternoon every day .
What sports do you have at the sports meeting ?
測試要點:注意由動詞 have 構(gòu)成的固定詞組具有特定的意義。
have a date 有約會。have a go at 試試。(Let me have a go at it , all right ? / He had several goes at it before he succeeded .) have a good / high opinion of 對……評價好。have a good time 過的愉快,玩的開心。have a rough time 日子艱難。have a hard time + doing 干……很費勁。have / run a temperature 發(fā)燒。have a work with 和……交談。have words with sb 和某人爭吵。have an effect on / upon 對……有影響。have mercy on / upon 對……產(chǎn)生憐憫。have no choice but to do 只有干…… 。have none of 不理睬……。have nothing to do with 與……沒有關(guān)系。have something to do with 與有聯(lián)系。have on 穿著,戴著,有事。(注意該詞組不用進行時態(tài)。如:Today she has on a red skirt . = Today she wears a red skirt . = Today she is wearing a red skirt . = Today she is dressed in a red skirt .) have / take pity on / upon 同情,憐憫。(He said that he has no pity on people who do not try to help others . )have sports 進行體育運動。have a rest / break 休息一下。have a bad cough 咳嗽得厲害。
2. be good at 擅長
Are you good at sailing ? 你擅長賽艇嗎 ?
I was never any good at dancing .
3. in fact 事實上,實際上
No one believed it but , in fact , Mary did get a good result in this exam .
He doesn\'t mind . In fact , he is very satisfied .
4. let sb know 通知某人。告訴某人
If you arrive in Beijing this afternoon , please let me know as soon as possible .
5. read out 大聲念出 = read aloud
He is reading out the football results .
An important notice was read out by our monitor .
Lesson 38
1. in modern times 現(xiàn)代,近代
He was one of the great artists in modern times . 他是近代的偉大藝術(shù)家之一。
2. every four years 每四年,每隔三年 = every fourth year
Both Summer and Winter Olympics are held every four years . 夏季奧運會和冬季奧運會都是每四年舉行一次。
注意上面的基數(shù)詞和序數(shù)詞。另外,“每兩天”是every other day / every two days。
3. take part in 參加
He took an active part in revolution .
Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Qlympic Games .
Britain is one of the countries in which women take part in wrestling .
測試要點:辨析 take part in , attend , join , join in
take part in 表示參加某種活動并在里面以積極的態(tài)度起作用。
Do you want to take part in this discussion ?
attend 常用于參加婚禮、追悼會、課堂學習等。
I am sure he will come to attend this meeting tonight .
join in 參加游戲或小活動。常同 game 連用。
More and more countries joined in the Olympic Games .
He will join us in singing the song .
Will you join me in buying a present for her ?
Please come and join in this game . It is very interesting .
join 參加某個組織,入黨、入團等。
He joined the Communist Party of China in 1980 . = He has been a party member since 1980 .
4. for centuries 好幾百年來,數(shù)個世紀以來
For centuries there were no Olympic Games .
D. 單元語法學習目標
“介詞 + 關(guān)系代詞”引導的定語從句小結(jié)
1. 當 which 的先行詞不是從句中及物動詞的賓語,而是從句中不及物動詞所帶的介詞賓語時,或者是從句中作為狀語或定語用的介詞短語中的介詞賓語時,定語從句常用“介詞 + which (whom)”來引導,不用其它關(guān)系代詞,whom 指人,which 指物。例如:
The house was built on a hillside , below which was a winding valley . 那所房子建 在山坡上,在山坡的下面有一條蜿蜒的溪谷。
This is the book for which you asked .
My glasses , without which I was like a blind man , felt to the ground and broke .
Here is the young man about whom we\'ve heard so much .
By the side of the well there was a board on which were written these words :“Don\'t forget the digger when you fetch water from the well .”在井的旁邊有一塊木板,上面寫著:“飲水莫忘挖井人!
2. 這樣的介詞可以放在 whom , which 之前,也可以放在從句中原來的位置上。但含有介詞的短語動詞一般不可拆開,介詞仍放在動詞之后,不能前置。例如:
The babies (whom) the nurses look after all look happy and healthy . ( look after 為固定詞組)
Is he the man (whom) you spoke to yesterday ?
Is this the knife which you\'ve looking for all day long ?
對比:This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived . = This is the house (which) Lu Xun once lived in .
3. 如果介詞放在定語從句之后,關(guān)系代詞 which , whom 可以用 that 來替換,亦可以省略 which , whom 。
Can you lend me the book (that ) you were talking about the other day ? (about不能放 that 前,但把 that 該為 which 時就可以了。)
The house which / that we live in is not large . = The house we live in is not large . = The house in which we live isn\'t large .
4. 關(guān)系代詞前的介詞選用要按習慣搭配和具體語言環(huán)境而選用,不能隨心所欲。例如:
There is a book about which I told you last week . (tell sb about sth)
Everyone here knows the method with which the computer works . (with the method)
The ladder on which I was standing began to slip . (stand on)
5. 但介詞卻不能放在 that 之前,除非可以特殊地使用:but / except + that 。but / except + that 只能引導限制性定語從句。that 只起連接作用,不沖充當句子成分。
He stood there , doing nothing except that his mouth was open .
● 請你走出單項填空題的解題思維誤區(qū)
1 . - Don\'t forget to return the dictionary to the library .
-____ .
A . I don\'t B . I won\'t C . I can\'t D . I haven\'t
本題受 Don\'t forget 的誤導,常誤選A。英語中的祈使句通常表示將來要發(fā)生的動作,所以答語中的“我忘不了”實際上是“我(將)不會忘記”。正確答案是B。
2 . - I wonder if your sister will go to the concert .
- If your sister does . so ____ mine .
A . is B . do C . does D . will
本題受 If you sister does 中 does 的誤導,常常誤選C。由于條件狀語從句中常用一般現(xiàn)在時代替一般將來時,所以題中的 If your sister does 中的 does 實際上等于will go to the concert , 所以“我妹妹也去”應(yīng)該是“Mine will go , too . ”因此正確答案是D。
3 . You should throw the old newspaper into ____ basket .
A . a paper B . paper C . papers D . the papers
通常,paper 表示“紙”,是不可數(shù)名詞,前面不帶a,受其誤導,誤選B。但本題講的是要將舊報紙扔進紙簍!凹垺彪m不可數(shù),但“紙簍”是可數(shù)名詞,因此正確答案是A。
1 .- Would you lend me your pen for a while ?
-Certainly I ____ .
A . Would B . should C . will D . shall
2 .- Could I use your bicycle ?
-Yes , of course you ____ .
A . can B . could C . will D . would
3 . I have met ____ people as Lei Feng in China .
A . many B . so many C . many such D . as many
4 . Only when she got home did she find her necklace ____ .
A . miss B . to miss C . missed D . missing
5 .- I\'ve got an extra ticket for one of you .
- Oh , really ? Whom would you like ____ with you , Tom or me ?
A . to have go B . to have gone C . having to go D . having going
NMET 單項填空的空白后有時附帶著一些文字信息,通常被稱為“遲到的信息”。這些“遲到的信息”有的是無關(guān)緊要的,有的則對答案的選擇起著決定性的作用,忽視這樣的信息,不瞻前顧后,往往要出錯。如:
9 . Jenny ____ have kept her word . I wonder why she changed her mind .
A . could B . might not C . should D . would not
題中的 I wonder why she changed her mind 一句雖為遲到的信息,但它說明 she changed her mind , 也就是 she didn\'t keep her word , 據(jù)此可推斷正確答案是C。
10 .- He promised to come to see you .
- But he ____ I\'ve been alone .
A . doesn\'t B . din\'t C . won\'t D . hasn\'t
11. 本題若只注意到He promised 而忽略 I\'ve been alone 這一“遲到的信息”,就會誤選答案B。I\'ve been alone 這一句表明,be 不僅過去沒來,而且現(xiàn)在仍沒來,所以正確答案是D。
12 .- Didn\'t you watch the football match yesterday ?
-____ . I would like to have seen it .
A . Yes , I did B . No , I didn\'t C . Yes , I didn\'t D . No , I did
解答本題必須重視 I would like to have seen it 這一“遲到的信息”,它相當于 I had wanted to see it , 意為“我本想觀看它”,可見實際上我沒看足球賽,因此正確答案是B。
13 . You ____ the plant more water . It is dead .
A . will give B . would have given
C . must give D . should have given
14 . I wish to be ____ with him . Will you go up to your own room ?
A . friendly B . alone C . down D . always
15 .- The play is often put on here , isn\'t if ?
-____ Only once five years ago .
A . Yes , it is B . Yes , it isn\'t C . No , it isn\'t D . No , it is
16 . ____ from your office to here!
A . How far is it B . What a long way it is
C . How far it is D . How long is it
17 . - Do you know ____ of them ?
- No , I only know Mr and Mrs Tom .
A . all B . both C . none D . any
18 . She spent as much time as she could ____ over her lessons .
A . go B . to go C . going D . went
本題若抓不住 She spent much time ____ over her lessons 這個主題,就排除不了 as much…as she could 這個次要信息,就會誤選A。由主體句可知,正確答案是C。
19 . He hasn\'t come yet . What do you consider ____ to him ?
A . happens B . has happened C . happening D . to happen
本題若搞不清 do you consider 是插入語,就會誤以為是在考查 consider 后接動名詞結(jié)構(gòu),就會誤選C。本題正確答案是B。
20 . So far this is the best way I\'ve thought of ____ this problem .
A . settling B . to settle C . by setting D . having settled
本題的主體是 this is the best way ____ this problem。I\'ve thought of 是修飾 way 的定語從句,不影響主體句的答案的選擇。當然,若不清楚 I\'ve thought of 是定語從句的話,就會誤以為是在考查 think of 后跟動名詞而誤選A。由主體句可知,本題正確答案是B。the way to do sth . 意為“做某事的方法”。
啟示:① 學習英語要重視對結(jié)構(gòu)復雜的句子的分析,從而提高對這類句子的理解能力;② 解題時遇到結(jié)構(gòu)復雜的句子,要注意抓主體(抓主謂賓語),通過抓主體來排除干擾答題的次要信息,從而找出正確答案。
21 . He often leans over the fence and talks for over an hour with my father ____ gardening .
A . about B . while C . in D . as
22 . John plays football ____ , if not better than , David .
A . as well B . as well as C . so well D . so well as
23 . The students are forbidden , unless they have the library cards , ____ the reading-room .
A . entering B . enter C . from entering D . to enter
24 . With a quick kick the policeman sent the knife held in the robber\'s right hand ____ .
A . fly B . flew C . flying D . to fly
25 . Lincoln\'s stepmother did all she could ____ him .
A . help B . to help C . helping D . and helped
答案:4-8 CACDA 13-17 DBCBA 21-25 ABDCB
● 當心,解題勿受思維定式干擾 !
1 . I\'m busy now . I\'m sorry I can\'t help ____ the flowers .
A . to water B . watering C . watered D . waters
[析]正確答案A。本題易誤選答案B,因為學生熟悉的是 can\'t help (忍不住,情不自禁)后接動名詞。其實,本題中 help 為“幫助”之意,后面應(yīng)用不定式(可省略to)作賓語。故應(yīng)選A。
2 . Put the book in the same place ____ you found it .
A . as B . that C . which D . where
[析]正確答案D。本題易誤選答案A或B,因為 the same…as 和 the same…that 經(jīng)常被強調(diào),而實際上 the same 修飾名詞后除可接 as 或 that 外,還可以接 where , who 等引導的定語從句。分析一下題干,不難看出本題應(yīng)用 where 引導定語從句,因為所設(shè)空白在從句中作狀語。故選D。
3 . Nylon is used to ____ stockings .
A . made B . makes C . make D . making
[析]正確答案C。此題易誤選D,因為“be (get) used to 接名詞或動名詞”意為“習慣于……”。但本題并非此意,謂語動詞中的 ues 為“使用”之意并且是被動語態(tài),“be used to do… (被用來做……)”。故應(yīng)選C。
4 . Make a mark ____ you have a question .
A . in which B . where C . that D . for which
[析]正確答案B。此題易誤選A或C,原因在于錯誤地把本題分析為定語從句,誤譯成“做一個你有問題的記號”。然而,本題系地點狀語從句,應(yīng)譯為“在你有疑問的地方做個標記”。所以引導地點狀語從句不可用“介詞 + which”的答案A。故應(yīng)選B。
1 . New ways have been found to prevent the river ____ .
A . polluting B . from polluting
C . against polluting D . from being polluted
2 . They did ____ they could ____ him .
A . what ; help B . all what ; to help
C . all ; help D . all that ; to help
3 . We were all busy . ____ of us went out for a walk .
A . Not all B . None C . Nobody D . Not everybody
4 . He has the same bike ____ .
A . as you B . as yours C . with you D . that you
5 . The speaker raised his voice but still couldn\'t make himself ____ .
A . hear B . to hear C . hearing D . heard
6 . That heavy rain kept us ____ out on time .
A . starting B . from starting C . to start D . being started
7 . the parents forbid her ____ to a worker .
A . to marry B . marrying C . to be married D . to be marrying
8 . You may stay ____ you like .
A . as long B . that C . at which D . where
9 . Coal is used to ____ electricity .
A . produces B . produced C . producing D . produce
10 . Was it in this hall ____ they held the ball the other day ?
A . that B . in which C . where D . which
11 . The boy was crying ____ the cup broken .
A . for B . at C . as D . with
12 . He made some candles ____ light .
A . to give B . give C . gave D . given
13 . He talked of the writer and his novels _____ interested him .
A . that B . which C . who D . in which
14 . If Mary doesn\'t go there , ____ .
A . neither do I B . nor shall I
C . so do I D . so will I
答案:1- 5 DDBAD 6-10 BCDDA 11-14 D AA B
★ 變換題干中的標志詞,分清知識的易混點。例如:
1 . It\'s no good ____ a lot . (no→not)
A . smoking B . smoke C . to smoke D . to smoking
2 . He took the girl by ____ hand . (by→with)
A . her B . his C . the D . a
3 . I will never forget the days ____ we spent together . (spent→stayed)
A . where B . when C . in which D . that
4 . Shanghai is larger than ____ in China . (China→India)
A . any city B . all cities C . any other city D . other city
5 . ___ time passing by , his theory proved correct . (passing→passed)
A . As B . While C . When D . With
答案:1 . A→C 2 . C→B 3 . D→B 4 . C→A 5 . D→A
★ 增、減題干中的標志詞。多一詞或少一詞句子或短語的結(jié)構(gòu)不同。例如:
1 . Mr Smith goes to work ____(his) car every day .
A . by B . in C . on D . of
2 . Do you see the tree , ____ (is) well above the tops of the other trees .
A . whose top B . its top C . it\'s top D . which top
3 . ____ in China for 5 years , (but) he still can\'t write or read in Chinese .
A . Having lived B . Having been lived
C . He has lived D . After he was lived
4 . The naughty boy(was) used to ____(by) his teacher .
A . criticize B . be criticized C . criticizing D . being criticized
5 . Is (it) this (the) bookstore ____ you referred to this morning ?
A . that B . the one C . in which D . where
1 . A(B) 2 . B(A) 3 . A(C) 4 . D . “那調(diào)皮的男孩習慣了挨老師批評! (B)去掉 was!澳钦{(diào)皮的男孩過去經(jīng)常挨老師批評!(現(xiàn)在不挨批評了。) (C)去掉 by!澳钦{(diào)皮的男孩習慣于批評老師! (A)去掉 by 和 was!澳钦{(diào)皮的男孩過去經(jīng)常批評老師!5 . B(A)沒有定冠詞時,題干的定語從句缺先行詞,故要加上 the one ; 如用 the bookstore 時,the bookstore 即是先行詞,關(guān)系代詞 that 在定語從句中作動詞 referred to 的賓語,可以省略;如果題干前半部分 Is it this bookstore ____,該句子即變?yōu)閺娬{(diào)句時,還是選A,但這時 that 不可以省去。
★ 刪去干擾詞或句,讓“標志”更明顯。例如:
1 . How about (the two of us) ____ a walk down the street ?
A . to take B . take C . taking D . to be taking
2 . ____ the money (John had) ____ ?
A . Did ; stolen B . Was ; stolen
C . Was ; to stolen D . Had ; stolen
3 . His car runs ____ , (if no faster than) a race car .
A . so fast B . as fast C . as fast as D . so fast as
4 . The wonderful time (they have been looking forward to) ____ finally arrived .
A . has B . had C . have D . having
5 . Nobody (but Tom and John) ____ what he said .
A . believe B . believes C . believe in D . believes in
答案:1 . C 2 . B 3 . C 4 . A 5 . B
★ 將題干中被省略的詞補出來,使“標志”更鮮明。例如:
1 . He did ____ he could(do) ____ the old lady .
A . all ; calm B . what ; calm
C . what ; to calm D . all which ; to calm
2 . Only those(who) ____ knew well could be let in .
A . did he B . he did C . who D . he
3 .- Whom should this message be sent to ?
- My teacher is the one (for you) ____ .
A . to send it B . to be sent to C . for sending it D . to send it to
4 . How clever (it is) ____ to do so!
A . for the boy B . of the boy C . with the boy D . at the boy
5 . They don\'t realize the use (that 或 which) ____ the information .
A . we make of B . which we make
C . for our making D . for us to make
答案及說明:1 . C 2 . D 3 . D 4 . B 5 . A。第5題 A 為定語從句,動詞 make 后的 use 被關(guān)系代詞代替,由于關(guān)系代詞作賓語被省略。
★ 句子結(jié)構(gòu)還原,主要用于疑問句和省略句的題干。例如:
1 . What way are you thinking of ____ rid of rats ?
A . get B . getting C . to get D . being get
2 . Who did you ____ ____ the radio ?
A . have repaired B . have to repair
C . have repairing D . have repair
3 . If you go there tomorrow , ____ .
A . so I do B . so will I C . so I will D . so do I
4 .- Why was the meeting called ?
- ____ new officials .
A . Elect B . Electing C . To elect D . By electing
答案及說明:1 . C 2 . D 3 . B。省略后倒裝!癐f you go there tomorrow , I will go there , too . ” 4 . C。不定式回答“目的”或“原因”。The meeting was called to elect new officials . 再如:
- What made her so upset ?
- ____ a wonderful stamp .
A . To lose B . Lost C . Losing D . For losing
選C;卮 what 作動詞 made 的主語。
● 單項填空中的合理推測
■ 根據(jù)題干特定信息進行推測
NMET 題干的設(shè)計水平和靈活性逐年提高。有關(guān)信息不僅在句子表面,也可能存在于字里行間,或存在于某一個不引入注目的單詞上。所以,首先要細讀題干,精心領(lǐng)會其意義,然后有針對性地、準確地找到某個特定信息,以此為據(jù),推斷定論。切不可讀題粗略,貌然確定答案。
- Do you remember ____ he came ?
- Yes , I do , he came by car .
A . how B . when C . that D . if
從語法上看A,B都可以填,但正確答案只有一個。by car 這一特定信息暗示了問句問的是“方式”,所以A才是最佳選擇。
Peter ____ come with us tonight , but he isn\'t very sure yet .
A . must B . can C . may D . will
題干后部的意思為 ? “……但他還不十分肯定;”,由此推測他不是“必須來”,不是“將會來”,也不是“能夠來”,而是“可能來”,選C。再如:
- If you don\'t like the red coat , take the blue one .
- OK , but do you have ____ size in blue ? This one\'s a bit tight for me .
A . a big B . a bigger C . the big D . the bigger
題干意思是“這一件稍緊一點”,可見他想要的是尺碼較大的。所以 big 要用比較級。題干的另一意思不是“要好一件更大的藍外衣”,而是問“藍外衣中是否有一種尺碼大的”。所以不是特指,應(yīng)選B。
■ 根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)、語法進行推測
John plays football ____ , if not better than , David .
A . as will B . as well as C . so well D . so well as
逗號隔開的部分是插入語,也是一個省略的條件狀語從句,從句中的否定與主句無關(guān)。David 是兩者比較的另一方,所以同級比較句型要用 as well as。如果選A,就少了連接從句的連詞。
____ from Beijing to London !
A . How long way it is B . What a long way is it
C . How long way is it D . What a long way it is
way 是可數(shù)名詞首先排除A、C。此句不是問句,根據(jù)句子結(jié)構(gòu)要求,要用陳述句的語序,選D。
The weather turned out to be very good , ___ was more than we could expect .
A . what B . which C . that D . it
考生對短語 turn out 不甚了解,但這不影響解題。只要以語法結(jié)構(gòu)為依法。就能推斷出 B是答案,因為只有 which 才能引導非限制性定語從句。turn out to be 意為“結(jié)果是……”。請再看:
There\'re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that i can\'t make up my mind ____ to buy .
A . which B . what C . how D . where
句中的 tape-recorder 和 on sale 課本上都沒有直接出現(xiàn)過,但 buy 是一個熟知的及物動詞,它需要有賓語。因此,這兒要用連接代詞作賓語,首先排除C、D。再根據(jù) which 和 what 的用法區(qū)別來取舍。在已知或有限范圍的選擇場合要用 which。因此該選A。tape-recorder 意思是“磁帶錄音機”,on sale 是“出售”。
■ 用排除法推測
If there were no examinations , we should have ____ at school .
A . the happiest time B . a more happier time
C . much happiest time D . a much happier time
It was not ____ she took off her dark glasses ____ I realized she was a famous film star .
A . until ; when B . when ; that C . until ; that D . when ; then
從結(jié)構(gòu)上看這一句是強調(diào)句型,首先排除A、再仔細思考B、C。只有 until 才有這種 not 前移的用法,所以推斷答案為C。
If you keep on , you\'ll succeed ____ .
A . in time B . at one time C . at the same time D . on time
B意為“一度”,C意為“同時”,意義都明顯不符合,應(yīng)予排除。D意為“準時”,意義也不符。A“及時”,意義雖不貼切,但總比B、C、D好一些,合理推測A是正確答案。其實,此處 in time 由“及時”引申為“遲早”、“總有一天”。
■ 根據(jù)題目設(shè)計的缺陷或弱點欠缺之處推測
I didn\'t see your sister at the meeting . If she ____ , she would have met my brother .
A . has come B . did come C . came D . had come
柯南•道爾 著
Chapter VI
A CUNNING ENEMY( 一個狡猾的敵人 )
On the way to the Northumberland Hotel , Holmes entered a telegraph office . There he sent a wire to the Official Registry (傭工介紹所) , inquiring for the name and address of the cabman whose number he had remembered . As the two friends were going up the stairs of the Northumberland Hotel they saw Sir Henry standing on the landing of the second floor . His face was red with anger and he was holding an old and dirty boot in one of his hands .
“By thunder ,” he cried , “ if my boot isn\'t found immediately there will be trouble . ”
“Are you still looking for your boot ? ” exclaimed Waston .
“Yes , but now another boot has disappeared . Last night they took one of my brown boots , and today they have stolen one from the black pair . Well , have you found it ? ” he asked the servant , who had appeared upon the scene .
“ No, sir . Please have a little patience . I have looked for it everywhere , but I can\'t find it .” said the frightened servant .
“Well , either that boot comes back before night , or I go straight to the manager of the hotel . ”
“ It shall be found , sir ?/FONT> I promise you . Only have a little patience ,” exclaimed the frightened servant .
“ Very strange ,” said Holmes thoughtfully to himself .
“ Excuse me , Mr. Holmes , for this quarrel about a trifle (小時) ,” said Sir Henry , “ but 棥?/P>
“ It is not a trifle ,” interrupted . Holmes seriously . “ Your case is very hard . Sir Henry , but I hope that sooner or later we shall make things clear .”
At lunch Holmes asked Sir Henry what he intended to do .
“ I want to go to Baskerville Hall ,” was the answer .
“ And when ? ”
“At the end of the week .”
“ Perhaps you are right ,”said Holmes . “I know that you are followed in London and among the millions of this great city it is difficult to discover who the spy is and what he wants . You did not know , Dr. Mortimer , that you were followed this morning ? ”
“Followed !” exclaimed Dr. Mortimer , starting violently . “By whom ?”
“That , unfortunately , I can\'t tell you . Have you among your neighbours or acquaintances (熟人) any man with a large black beard ?” asked Holmes .
“ No ,?/FONT>oh ?/FONT> yes , certainly , Barrymore , Sir Charles\'s servant . He has a large black beard .” replied Dr. Mortimer .
“And where is Barrymore ?”
“He is at the Hall .”
“We must make sure that he is really there .”
“How can we do that ?”
“Give me a telegraph form . Write : ‘ Is all ready for Sir Henry ? ’address to Mr. Barrymore , Baskerville Hall . Which is the nearest telegraph-office ? ”
“Grimpen .”
“Very good . We shall send a second wire to the postmaster at Grimpen:‘ Telegram to Mr. Barrymore deliver into his own hands . If absent , return telegram to Sir Henry Baskerville , Northumberland Hotel .’Then we shall know before evening where Barrymore is . By the way , Dr. Mortimer , who is this Barrymore ?”
“He is the son of the old caretaker (管家) who is dead . He and his wife are a very respectable couple , as far as I know .”
“At the same time it\'s clear ,”said Baskerville , “that while there is nobody at the Hall , they have an easy life .”
“That is true ,” said Waston .
“Did Barrymore get anything by Sir Charles\'s will ?” asked Holmes .
“ He and his wife got 500 pounds each .”
“Did they know that they would receive this ?”
“Yes , Sir Charles liked to talk about his will .”
“That is very interesting . Did anyone else get anything ?”
“He left many small sums to individuals and a large number of public charities . The rest all went to Sir Henry , ”explained Dr. Mortimer .
“And how much was the rest ?”
“Seven hundred and forty thousand pounds . The total value of the estate is almost a million ” answered Dr. Mortimer .
Holmes looked surprised . “ I didn\'t think that he was so rich , ”he said . “That explains some things . I can understand that a man may risk much for such a large sum . Have you made your will , Sir Henry ? ”
“No , Mr. Holmes , I have not . I\'ve had no time for it . You forget I arrived here only yesterday .”
“ Well , Sir Henry , I agree that it\'s best for you to go to your native place without delay , but you certainly must not go alone . ”
“ Dr. Mortimer returns with me . ”
“But Dr. Mortimer has his practice , and his house is some miles away from yours . No , Sir Henry , you must take with you someone who will always be by your side .”
“Could you come yourself , Mr. Holmes ? ”
“That\'s quite impossible . I cannot leave London for an indefinite time , as I am too busy .”
“Whom would you recommend (推薦) then .”
Holmes laid his hand upon Waston\'s arm . “There is no man who could be better than my friend Dr. Waston , ”he said .
“That would be really kind of you , ”Sir Henry exclaimed . “If you go with me to Baskerville Hall and help me , I shall never forget it . ”
“I will come with pleasure , ”said Dr. Waston .
“And you must report everything to me , ”said Holmes . “ I shall tell you how to act . ”
The question was soon settled . It was decided that Sir Henry , Dr. Mortimer and Waston set off for Devonshire on Saturday . Lunch was over and Holmes was just saying goodbye , when Sir Henry with a cry of surprise drew a brown boot from under a table in the corner of the room .
“ My missing boot ! ” he exclaimed .
“ But this is very strange .”said Dr. Mortimer . “ I searched this room carefully before lunch and there was certainly no boot in it .” said Dr. Mortimer .
The servant was called in and questioned , but he said he knew nothing about it .
Holmes was silent in the cab as he drove home with Waston . All the evening he sat in his armchair smoking and thinking . So many strange things had happened in these two days - the printed letter , the black-bearded spy in the cab , the loss of the new boot , the loss of the old black boot , and now the return of the brown boot . Just before dinner a telegram was brought . It ran : “Have just received answer from postmaster , Grimpen . Berrymore is at the Hall . Baskerville .”
A few minutes later the door bell rang and a man entered the room .
“ I was told that you wanted to see the cabman of No. 2704 , ”he said . “I have come to ask you what you have against me .”
“ I have nothing against you , my good fellow ,”said Holmes . “ On the contrary , if you give me a clear answer to my question , I shall reward you .”
“Well , what did you want to ask , sir ? ”
“First of all your name and address . ”
“John Clayton , 3 , Turpey Street .”
Holmes put it down . “Now , Clayton ,” he said , “tell me all about the gentleman who was in your cab this morning . He was watching the house at ten o\'clock and then he followed two gentlemen down Regent Street .”
The cabman looked a little embarrassed . “You seem to know everything , ”he said . “But you see , the gentleman told me that he was a detective and I must not speak to anyone about him .”
“My good fellow , this is a very serious business and your position will be very bad if you try to hide anything from me . Did the gentleman say anything else ?”
“He told me his name .”
“His name ? What was it ?”
“ It was Mr. Sherlock Holmes , ” answered tha cabman .
For a moment Holmes was too much surprised to speak . Then he burst into a hearty laugh . “Excellent !” he exclaimed . “Now , Clayton , tell me all about him .”
“Well , sir , he stopped me at half-past nine in Trafalgar Square . He said that he was a detective and offered me two sovereigns (金鎊) if I did exactly what he wanted all day and asked no questions . I was glad to agree . First we drove to the Northumberland Hotel and waited there until two gentlemen came out and took a cab in the street . We followed their cab until it stopped somewhere near this house . We waited for about an hour . Then the two gentlemen passed us walking and we followed them along ”
“ I know ,” said Holmes , “go on .”
“So we were following them down Regent Street when suddenly my gentleman closed the window and cried to me drive as fast as I could to Waterloo Station . We were there in ten minutes . He paid me two sovereigns and went into the station . At the last moment he turned round and said : ‘It may interest you know that you have driven Mr. Sherlock Holmes .’That is all .”
Holmes laughed :“So his name was Sherlock Holmes , he said ?”
“Yes , sir , that was the gentleman\'s name . ”
“And can you describe that gentleman .”
The cabman scratched his head . “ Well , it isn\'t so easy to describe him . He is about forty and is of middle height . He has a black beard and a pale face . That is all I can say about him .”
“ Well then , here is your half-sovereign , and you will have another one if you can bring any more information . Good night ! ”
When the cabman had gone , Holmes turned to his friend with a sad smile : “ Our enemy is cunning , Waston , ” he said . “ This time he has beaten me . It\'s a dangerous business and I shall be happy when you return safe and sound to London again .”
Chapter VII
On the appointed (約定) day , Sir Henry Baskerville and Dr. Mortimer were at the station . Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Waston soon joined them there .
“ I don\'t want you to make any judgements , Waston. ” said Homles to his friend , taking him aside . “I only want you to report all the possible facts to me .”
“ What sort of facts ? ” asked Waston .
“ Everything that has the smallest connection with this case ?/FONT> and especially the relations between Sir Henry and his neighbours . If you hear of any new details connected with the death of Sir Charles , do let me know . And study the people who live on the moor near Baskerville Hall ?/FONT> the Barrymores , Dr. Mmortimer , the naturalist Stapleton and his sister , Mr. Frankland and one or two other neighbours . ”
“ I will do my best . ”
“ Have you taken arms ? ”
“ Yes , I thought it necessary .”
“ Certainly . Keep your revolver (左輪手槍) near you day and night and be very careful . ”
“ I will , my dear friend . Don\'t worry . ”
By the way , Sir Henry , ” said Holmes , turning to young Baskerville who was talking to Dr. Mortimer , “ have you found your black boot ?”
“ No , Mr. Holmes , it has disappeared . ”
“That\'s very interesting . Well , goodbye ,” he added as the train began to move , “ and remember , Sir Henry , don\'t walk on the moor alone when it is dark .”
When they were on their way , Sir Henry , who was looking out of the window , seemed happy to see the land where he had spent his childhood . The train stopped at a small station and the three men got out . A carriage with a pair of horses was waiting for them . The station was a quiet , pleasant spot and Waston was surprised to see two soldiers standing by the station gate . They looked at all the passers-by . The coachman greeted Sir Henry and soon the carriage with the three men was rolling swiftly along the road . On the top of the hill there stood another soldier . He was watching the road . The coachman explained to them that a prisoner had escaped from the prison of Princetown and was hiding on the moor . The man was a dangerous murderer , and the soldiers had received orders to watch every road and every station , but they had not yet found him . Somewhere there , on the dark moor, was this terrible man , hiding in a hole like a beast . This made the wild and sad place seem still wilder and sadder . Soon the road turned sharply and the wide , silent moor came in sight . A few minutes later the carriage stopped before a large house from which rose two high narrow towers .
“ Welcome to Baskerville Hall , Sir Henry , ” said a tall man with a black beard , opening the door of the carriage . It was Barrymore , the servant . His wife came forward to help take down the luggage as well .
Dr. Mortimer refused to stay for dinner , saying that his wife was expecting him back . He said goodbye to Sir Henry and Waston and then the carriage rolled away . The two men entered the hall . It was a very fine hall , large high , with a great old-fashioned fireplace . The Barrymores had taken the luggage to the bedroom .
Barrymore came up to ask : “Will you have dinner now , sir ? ”
“ Is it ready ? ”
“ Yes , sir . I should like to tell you that my wife and I will be happy to serve you for some time , but then we should like to go . ”
“ But why ? ” Sir Henry asked in surprise .
“ You see , sir , the death of Sir Charles has made this house very unpleasant to us . ”
“ Well , we shall speak about this later . Now show us the dinning-room . My friend and I are hungry after our journey . ”
A few minutes later Sir Henry and Waston were seated at the dinner table . The room was dark and gloomy (郁悶) . There was a long line of old family portraits on the wall and their silent company was not pleasant . The two men talked little and when dinner was over they were happy to go to the modern billiard-room and smoke a cigarette .
“ It isn\'t a very cheerful place , ” said Sir Henry . “ I am not surprised that my poor uncle felt nervous in such an gloomy house . But let us go to bed early tonight , perhaps in the morning we shall feel more cheerful .”
They said good night to each other and went to their rooms . Before going to bed Waston opened the window and looked out . In the cold light of the moon he could see the strange moor . Everything was silent around . Waston went to bed . He was very tired , yet he could not sleep . Far away a clock struck twelve . Suddenly the stillness of the night was broken by an unexpected sound . It was the sobbing (啜泣) of a woman . Waston sat up in bed and listened all ears . The woman was sobbing not far away , certainly in the house . The sound stopped suddenly as it had began . For half an hour Waston waited to hear the sound again , but all was still .
Chapter VIII
( 華生醫(yī)師同生物學家斯臺普頓的會見 )
The next morning it was bright and sunny , and the room looked quite cheerful as Sir Henry and Waston sat down to breakfast .
“ We were tired and cold after our journey last night , ” said Sir Henry , “ so the place seemed uncomfortable . Now , after a good rest , we are fresh and well and the house is more cheerful . ”
“ That\'s true , but didn\' t you hear the sobbing of a woman in the night ? ”
“ It\'s strange ,”said Sir Henry in a loud voice , “ for when I was half-asleep , I heard something of the sort . I thought it took place in my dream .”
“I heard it clearly and I am sure that it was really the sobbing of a woman ,”said Waston .
“ We shall ask Barrymore about it , ” said Sir Henry ringing the bell .
Barrymore became pale when he

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