- 勵志英文諺語 推薦度:
- 愛情的英文諺語 推薦度:
- 英文勵志諺語 推薦度:
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1、Too much pudding will choke a dog.布丁太多噎死狗。
2、A good beginning makes a good ending.善始善終
3、A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如水。
4、Little chips light great fires.星星之火,可以燎原。
5、One can not be in two places at once.一心不可二用。
6、A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難中的朋友才是真正的朋友。
7、A good husband makes a good wife.夫善則妻賢。
8、A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.一本好書,相伴一生。
9、A great talker is a great liar.說大話者多謊言。
10、A good book is a good friend.好書如摯友。
11、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.日吃蘋果一只,身體健康不求醫(yī)。
12、Every dog has his day.人人皆有得意時。
13、A friend without faults will never be found.沒有十全十美的朋友。
14、A bad thing never dies.遺臭萬年。
15、Strike while the iron is hot.趁熱打鐵
16、Haste makes waste.忙亂易錯。欲速則不達。
17、Better be envied than pitied.寧被人妒,不受人憐。
18、A good medicine tastes bitter.良藥苦口。
19、Deal with a man as he deals with you.以其人之道還治其人之身
20、So the world wags.這就是人生。
21、A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善終。
22、No pains,no gains.不勞則無獲
23、Where there is s will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。
24、A burden of ones choice is not felt.愛挑的擔子不嫌重。
25、A friend is never known till a man has need.需要之時方知友。
26、Dreams are lies.夢不足信。
27、A fair death honors the whole life.死得其所,流芳百世。
28、A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.吃一塹,長一智。
29、Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.逆境出人才。
30、Love me, love my dog.愛屋及烏。
31、Scornful dogs will eat dirty puddings.狗再傲慢也會吃臟布丁。
32、He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad.欲加之罪,何患無詞。
33、Poverty is stranger to industry.勤勞之人不受窮。
34、Don’t be a dog (lying) in the manger.莫學狗占馬槽不吃草。(不要占著茅坑不拉屎。)
35、Do not teach fish to swim.不要班門弄斧。
36、He sits no sure that sits too high.高處不勝寒。
37、So said, so done.說到做到。言出必行。
38、A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友難,失朋友易。
39、A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.吹牛與說謊本是同宗。
40、A good beginning is half done.良好的開端是成功的一半。
41、A light heart live long.心情開朗壽命長。不惱不愁,活到白頭。
42、Dog does not eat dog.同類不相殘。
43、A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鳥在手勝過雙鳥在林。
44、Barking dogs don’t (seldom) bite.愛叫的狗很少咬人。
45、Its never too late to mend.亡羊補牢
46、A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with.欲加之罪,何患無詞。
47、Time flies never to be recalled.光陰一去不復返
48、No weal without woe.福兮禍所伏, 禍兮福所倚。
49、A good wife health is a mans best wealth.妻賢身體好是男人最大的財富。
50、A good conscience is a soft pillow.不做虧心事,不怕鬼叫門。
51、A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難見真情。
52、A cat may look at a king.人人平等。
53、Like knows like.惺惺相惜。
54、Let sleeping dogs lie.勿惹事生非。
55、Dead dogs bite not.死狗不咬人。
56、A close mouth catches no flies.病從口入。
57、Every dog is a lion at home.狗在家門口就成了獅子。
58、Adversity leads to prosperity.窮則思變。
59、He laughs best who laughs last.誰笑到最后誰笑得最美
60、A good fame is better than a good face.美名勝過美貌。
61、First come, first served.先來先招待。
62、A good beginning is half done.善始者善終。
63、A bully is always a coward.色厲內(nèi)荏。
64、A cat has 9 lives.貓有九條命。
65、A bad workman always blames his tools.不會撐船怪河彎。
66、All are not thieves that dogs bark at.狗見了叫的不一定都是賊。(不要以貌取人。)
67、Two heads are better than one.三個臭皮匠頂一個諸葛亮。
68、A faithful friend is hard to find.知音難覓。
69、Although the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home.未雨綢繆。
70、"After you" is good manners.“您先請”是禮貌。
71、A candle lights others and consumes itself.蠟燭照亮別人,卻毀滅了自己。
72、When in Rome, do as Roman do.入鄉(xiāng)隨俗
73、Look before you leap.三思而后行
74、It is a poor mouse that has only one hole.狡兔三窟。
75、There is no smoke without fire.無風不起浪
76、A constant guest is never welcome.?土钊藚。
77、Time and tide wait for no man.時不待人
78、A fox may grow gray, but never good.江山易改,本性難移。
79、Actions speak louder than words.事實勝于雄辯。
80、He that respects not is not respected.欲受人敬,要先敬人。
81、Love a flower bloom to acpany it, love a man to acpany him to stray.愛一朵花就陪它綻放,愛一個人就陪他流浪。
82、Ill think of you every step of the way.我會想你,在漫漫長路的每一步。
83、Love is a carefully designed lie. 愛情是一個精心設(shè)計的謊言。
84、No one indebted for others, while many people dont know how to cherish others.沒有誰對不起誰,只有誰不懂得珍惜誰。
85、The greatest pleasure of life is love.愛是人生最大的樂趣。
86、Love makes all equal.愛不分貴賤。
87、Every man has his hobbyhorse.蘿卜白菜,各有所愛。
88、Love is not a matter of counting the days. Its making the days count.愛情不是數(shù)著日子過去,它讓每個日子都變得有意義。
89、I want to be strong with the cry, tears are not obedient.我想堅強著不哭,淚卻不聽話。
90、Love warms more than a thousand fires.愛情的熾熱勝過千萬團的火。
91、I neednt a photo to remember you.Because you never leave in my hear. 我不需要一張照片把你記起,因為在我心里你從未曾離去。
92、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我愛你,不是因為你是一個怎樣的人,而是因為我喜歡與你在一起時的感覺。
93、Life is a flower of which love is the honey.生活是花,愛情如蜜。
94、You are my life, I love you.你是我的生命,我愛你。
95、Without love life is suffering.沒有愛情的人生叫受罪。
96、Only marriage based on love is moral. 只有以愛情為基礎(chǔ)的婚姻才是合乎道德的。
97、Love that is hot is cold. 熱得快的愛情,冷得也快。
98、Love can only be repaid with love.愛情只能用愛情來償還。
99、The bud of love is the end of wisdom.愛情的萌芽是智慧的結(jié)束。
100、Love, you are my food, your breath my wine.愛情,你的話是我的食糧,你的氣息是我的醇酒。
101、Farewell makes love warm, and meet it firmly. 離別使愛情熱烈,相逢則使它牢固。
102、Love is I stand guard, but you still hug me.愛是我豎起防備,你卻還是擁抱我。
103、Meet with you, is my best lucky 與你相遇,是我最好的幸運。
104、No weal without woe.福兮禍所伏,禍兮福所倚。
105、Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action.考慮要仔細,行動要迅速。
106、One sin opens the door for another.犯了一次罪惡就會犯另一次罪。
107、One mans meat is another mans poison.蘿卜青菜,各有所愛。
108、We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.井干方知水珍貴
109、Less is more.簡單就是美
110、A blessing in disguise.因禍得福
111、Love me, love my dog.愛屋及烏
112、Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日
113、Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood.磨刀不誤砍柴功。
114、Seeing is believing.眼見為實
115、Well begun is half done.好的開端是成功的一半
116、Where there is s will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。
117、No pains, no gains.不勞則無獲
118、Kill two birds with one stone.一箭雙雕
119、East or west, home is best.走東串西,還是家里好
120、Equal pay for equal work.同工同酬
121、Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置
122、Pride goes before a fall.驕兵必敗
123、Reading makes a full man.讀書使人完善
124、Knowledge is power.知識就是力量
125、Failure is the mother of success.失敗是成攻之母
126、Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧
127、All roads lead to Roma.條條大道通羅馬
128、Dont judge a person by the clothes he wears.不能以貌取人
129、Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.切莫過于樂觀
130、Learn to walk before you run.循序漸進
131、Its easy to be wise after the event.事后諸葛亮
132、As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.自食其果
133、All that glitters is not gold.閃光的東西并非都是金子
134、Many hands make light work.人多力量大
135、Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.世上無難事只要肯登攀
136、Time is money.時間就是金錢。
137、Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。
138、Many hands make light work.人多力量大。
139、Grasp all, lose all.樣樣都要,全都失掉。
140、Better master one than engage with ten.會十事不如精一事。
141、Silly child is soon taught.要想孩子好,教育要趁早。
142、More haste, less speed.欲速則不達。
143、Easier said than done.說起來容易,做起來難。
144、The first step is the hardest.萬事開頭難。
145、Who knows most says least.懂的最多的人,說的最少。
146、Time and tide wait for no man.歲月不待人。
147、Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事今日畢。
148、Diligence is the mother of success.失敗是成功之母。
149、Its never too late to learn.活到老,學到老。
150、Walls have ears.隔墻有耳
151、Wash your dirty linen at home.家丑不可外揚
152、Waste not, want not.儉則不匱
153、Weak things united become strong.一根筷子易折斷,十根筷子硬如鐵
154、Wealth is best known by want.人窮方知錢可貴
155、We cant judge a person by what he says but by what he does.判斷一個人,不聽言語看行動
156、We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough.年華沒虛度,一生也足矣。
157、What is done by night appears by day.若要人不知,除非已莫為
158、When a man is going down-hill, everyone will give him a push.墻倒眾人推
159、When children stand quiet, they have done some harm.孩子不吭聲,一定闖了禍
160、When one will not, two cannot quarrel.一個巴掌拍不響
161、When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window.貧窮進門來,愛情越窗飛
162、When the cat is away, the mice will play.貓兒不在,鼠兒成精
163、When wine sinks, words swim.美酒一下肚,話匣關(guān)不住
164、Where theres life theres hope.留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒
165、Will is power.意志就是力量
166、Wise men are silent; fools talk.智者沉默寡言,愚者滔滔不絕
167、Wise men change their minds; fools never do.智者通權(quán)達變,愚者剛愎自用
168、Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.智者熱愛真理,愚者回避真理
169、Words are but wind, but seeing is believing.耳聽為虛,眼見為實
170、No news is good news. 沒有消息就是好消息。
171、No one can call back yesterday. 昨日不會重現(xiàn)。
172、No pains, no gains. 沒有付出就沒有收獲。
173、No pleasure without pain. 沒有苦就沒有樂。
174、No rose without a thorn. 沒有不帶刺的玫瑰。
175、No sweet without sweat. 先苦后甜。
176、No smoke without fire. 無風不起浪。
177、Nothing brave, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
178、Nothing dries sooner than a tear. 眼淚干得最快。
179、Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上無難事,只怕有心人。
180、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上無難事,只要肯登攀。
181、Nothing seek, nothing find. 沒有追求就沒有收獲。
182、Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages. 外出旅行,語言最要緊。
183、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty. 世上唯有貧窮可以不勞而獲。
184、Not to advance is to go back. 不進則退。
185、Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child. 不懂世故,幼稚可笑。
186、No way is impossible to courage. 勇者無懼。
187、Obedience is the first duty of a soldier. 軍人以服從命令為天職。
188、Observation is the best teacher. 觀察是最好的老師。
189、Offense is the best defense. 進攻是最好的防御。
190、Old friends and old wines are best. 陳酒味醇,老友情深。
191、Old sin makes new shame. 一失足成千古恨。
192、Once a man and twice a child. 一次老,兩次小。
193、Once a thief, always a thief. 偷盜一次,做賊一世。
194、Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。
195、One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 一個和尚挑水喝,兩個和尚抬水喝,三個和尚沒水喝。
196、One cannot put back the clock. 時鐘不能倒轉(zhuǎn)。
197、A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,駟馬難追。
198、A year‘s plan starts with spring.一年之計在于春。
199、A young idler, an old beggar.少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲。
200、Bad news has wings.好事不出門,壞事傳千里。
201、Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人。
202、Beauty lies in the love‘s eyes.情人眼里出西施。
203、Be swift to hear, slow to speak.聽宜敏捷,言宜緩行。
204、Better late than never.不怕慢,單怕站。
205、Better to ask the way than go astray.問路總比迷路好。
206、Between friends all is common.朋友之間不分彼此。
207、Birds of a feather flock together.物以類聚,人以群分。
208、Blood is thicker than water. 血濃于水。Blood will have blood.血債血償。
209、Books and friends should be few but good.讀書如交友,應(yīng)求少而精。
210、Business is business.公事公辦。Cheats never prosper.騙人發(fā)不了財。
211、Business is the salt of life.事業(yè)是人生的第一需要。
212、By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.讀書使人充實,交談使人精明。
213、Cannot see the wood for the trees.一葉障目,不見泰山。
214、Care and diligence bring luck.謹慎和勤奮才能抓住機遇。
215、Caution is the parent of safety.小心駛得萬年船。
216、Children are what the mothers are.耳濡目染,身教言傳。
217、Choose an author as you choose a friend.擇書如擇友。
218、Come what may, heaven won‘t fall.做你的吧,天塌不下來。
219、Complacency is the enemy of study.學習的敵人是自己的滿足。
220、A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.光說空話不做事,猶如花園光長刺。
221、Troubles never come singly.福無雙至,禍不單行。
222、Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it.鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利。
223、Two heads are better than one.一個好漢三個幫。
224、Two of a trade seldom agree.同行是冤家。
225、Unity is strength.團結(jié)就是力量。
226、Unpleasant advice is a good medicine.忠言逆耳利于行。
227、Until all is over ones ambition never dies.不到黃河心不死。
228、Walls have ears.小心隔墻有耳。
229、Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away.滴水穿石。
230、We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.井干方知水可貴。
231、Make hay while the sun shines.良機勿失。
232、Man proposes, God disposes.謀事在人,成事在天。
233、Many hands make light work.眾人拾柴火焰高。
234、Many heads are better than one.三個臭皮匠,賽過諸葛亮。
235、Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.有心栽花花不發(fā),無心插柳柳成蔭。
236、Measure for measure.針鋒相對。
237、Misfortunes never come alone.禍不單行。
238、Money makes the mare go. (mare n.母馬,母驢)有錢能使鬼推磨。
239、More hasty, less speed.欲速則不達。
240、Never fish in trouble water.不要混水摸魚。
241、Never judge from appearances.不可以貌取人。
242、Never offer to teach fish to swim.不要教魚兒游泳。(不要在行家面前賣弄自己/不要班們弄斧”)
243、Never put off till tomorrow.今日事,今日做。(今日事,今日畢。)
244、Never say die.永不言敗。
245、Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊補牢,為時未晚。
246、New wine in old bottles.舊瓶裝新酒。
247、No cross, no crown.不經(jīng)歷風雨,怎么見彩虹。
248、No man can do two things at once.一心不可二用。
249、No man is born wise or learned.沒有生而知之者。
250、No man is content.人心不足蛇吞象。
251、No man is wise at all times.聰明一世,糊涂一時。
252、No news is good news.沒有消息就是好消息。
253、No pains, no gains.沒有付出就沒有收獲。
254、No pleasure without pain.沒有苦就沒有樂。
255、No sweet without sweat.先苦后甜。
256、No smoke without fire.無風不起浪。
257、Nothing brave, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
258、Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上無難事,只怕有心人。
259、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上無難事,只要肯登攀。
260、Nothing seek, nothing find.沒有追求就沒有收獲。
261、Not to advance is to go back.不進則退。
262、No way is impossible to courage.勇者無懼。
263、Offense is the best defense.進攻是最好的防御。
264、Old friends and old wines are best.陳酒味醇,老友情深。
265、Old sin makes new shame.一失足成千古恨。
266、Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。
267、One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一個和尚挑水喝,兩個和尚抬水喝,三個和尚沒水喝。
268、One false move may lose the game.一著不慎,滿盤皆輸。
269、One mans fault is other mans lesson.前車之鑒。
270、One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。
271、One false step will make a great difference.失之毫厘,謬之千里。
272、Out of sight, out of mind.眼不見,心為靜。
273、Penny wise, pound foolish.貪小便宜吃大虧。
274、Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
275、Prevention is better than cure.預(yù)防勝于治療。
276、Pride goes before, and shame comes after.驕傲使人落后。
277、Pull the chestnut out of fire.火中取栗。
278、Put the cart before the horse.本末倒置。
279、Reading enriches the mind.開卷有益。
280、Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you.要人尊敬,必須自重。
281、Rome was not built in a day.羅馬不是一天建成的。(偉業(yè)非一日之功/冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。)
282、Saying is one thing and doing another.言行不一。
283、Seeing is believing.眼見為實。
284、Something is better than nothing.聊勝于無。
285、Soon learn, soon forgotten.學得快,忘得快。
286、Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是銀,沉默是金。
287、Still water run deep.靜水常深。
288、Strike the iron while it is hot.趁熱打鐵。
289、Talking mends no holes.空談無補。
290、Tall trees catch much wind.樹大招風。
291、The best fish swim near the bottom.(好魚居水底)有價值的東西不會輕易得到。
292、The cat shuts its eyes when stealing.掩耳盜鈴。
293、The danger past and God forgotten.過河拆橋。
294、The devil knows many things because he is old.老馬識途。
295、The early bird catches the worm.早起的鳥兒有蟲吃。
296、The eye is bigger than the belly.貪多嚼不爛。
297、The finest diamond must be cut.玉不琢,不成器。
298、The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man.烈火驗真金,艱難磨意志。
299、The fox knew too much, thats how he lost his tail.機關(guān)算盡太聰明,反誤了卿卿性命。
300、The fox preys farthest from home.兔子不吃窩邊草。
301、The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.坐井觀天。
302、The greatest talkers are always least doers.語言的巨人總是行動的矮子。
303、The outsider sees the most of the game.旁觀者清。
304、There is no place like home.金窩銀窩不如咱的狗窩。
305、The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.人言可畏。
306、The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能載舟,亦能覆舟。
307、The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows all.清者自清,濁者自濁。
308、The wolf has a winning game when the shepherds quarrel.螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在后。
309、Think twice before you do.三思而后行。
310、Things at the worst will mend.否極泰來。
311、Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.家居玻璃房,切忌亂扔石。(有弱點,勿揭他人短。)
312、Time and tide wait for no man.時不我待。
313、Time cures all things.時間是醫(yī)治一切創(chuàng)傷的良藥。
314、Time lost cannot be won again.時光流逝,不可復得。
315、Time past cannot be called back again.時間不能倒流。
316、Time tries all.路遙知馬力,日久見人心。
317、To err is human.人非圣賢,孰能無過。
318、To know everything is to know nothing.什么都知道,一如什么都不知道。
319、Tomorrow never comes.我生待明日,萬事成蹉跎。
320、Touch pitch, and you will be defiled.常在河邊走,哪有不濕鞋。