


時間:2022-05-10 16:49:41 申請書 我要投稿




  美國留學申請書 篇1

Dear xxx,

  Although Chinese woodblock printing has a tradition of 2000 years, Chineseprint artists have been absent from the international art scene for decades.Over the last years a few exhibitions about modern Chinese printmaking tookplace outside China, but some major exhibitions at such renowned museums likethe British Museum would probably lead to a breakthrough in the internationalart scene. Taking into consideration the growing appreciation of Chinese cultureand traditions, I am extremely interested in opportunity to expand myprofessional horizons to reinstate the well-deserved interest and approval ofthis ancient art. With this purpose, I was excited to learn about youruniversity, well-known for its high expertise in the subjects of creativity; andyour unique course, implementing a diverse range of subjects that contribute toan extensive list of skills. Therefore, I would very much like to be consideredas a strong candidate for you postgraduate programme.

  My fondness for art and aptitude for rational thinking determined my choseof and devotion to the complex discipline of Chinese Printmaking, which includesa number of different techniques and processes like design, carving of the blockand printing. In comparison to Japanese, Chinese printmaking is rather composedfrom several wooden blocks and, in an exclusive technique, would employ onlyspecial Chinese water-soluble inks and thin rice paper to produce a print thatlooks like a watercolor or a traditional Chinese painting. The success of such atechnique entirely depends on the exact humidity of the paper, which is hard toachieve even for an experienced artist. During 4 years of intensive studies, Inot only obtained knowledge in every aspect of this art but also learned aboutdigital reproduction of such images, computerized approach to modeling and evenweb site design.

  During my undergraduate studies I played an active role in the university'slife by organizing miscellaneous events, parties, seminars and exhibition in aswell as outside the institution. The 3rd China Art Academy Exhibition, CulturalBridge Construction and Carrying Forward The Academic Arts – to name just a fewevents which included works of painting, calligraphy, design and photography. Ipersonally was selecting a place and art works for expositions, which trained myeye and evaluation skills. In addition, I was greatly involved in publicrelations of our university, predominantly by initiating and maintaining contactwith sponsors, which significantly enriched my communication skills. Having beena Student Union president for three years, I enhanced my leadership qualitiesand gained valuable experience in legality, administration and budgeting ofactivities and exhibitions. As an event manager, I not only coordinated groupsof students, working on different projects simultaneously, but also participatedin their careful recruitment.

  The University also gave me a great opportunity to study English Languageas a part of my degree which, in particular, improved my grammar and writingskills. To develop my oral skills, I often interact with international exchangestudents who come to our university to study art of Chinese Printmaking. I alsoassisted professors in running their lectures for international students inEnglish. In preparation for my studies in the UK, I familiarized myself with theHarvard referencing system, and, currently, I am trying to learn how to write anacademic assay and dissertation.

  In my spare time I enjoy swimming and reading biographical books aboutfamous people like Bill Gates, Vincent van Gogh, Munk and others. As a creativeperson, I like to play with visual space of my room, drawing and painting on thewalls and ceiling. My weakness is craftwork, therefore, my interior is decoratedwith various handmade objects, which I usually buy or make myself.

  Your programme would greatly contribute to the weight of my undergraduatespeciality in Chinese Printmaking, allowing me to bring the significance andbeauty of this ancient art to the international level and effectively present itin the most innovative and creative way. Thus, the professional practice thatlies in the grounds of your course provides the essential functional preparationfor the career. In addition, I am intrigued by the opportunity to learn aboutcontentious issues and viewpoints in contemporary art and assess them inrelation to the previously gained knowledge and experience. In combination witha strong critical focus that your course offers, collaborative discussions andanalyses would provide an engaging approach to develop and apply my individualanalytical skills. In particular, I am looking forward to the sessions thatwould not only enable me to communicate my ideas clearly but also to presentinformation in appealing and captivating for audience way.

  Taking into consideration my potentials and enthusiasm I believe I willmake a full use of the opportunities afforded to me at your university.

  Yours sincerely,


  美國留學申請書 篇2

Dear xxx,

  I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXiautonomous region, in 20xxx. I am still studying in high school now, because I wasnot enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream tostudy abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient andsuitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

  First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advancededucation in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’,which I think is mo

  re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar withthe climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parentsmy plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

  As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chineseparents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention topreschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education,I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leavingcollege.

  My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institutefor about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculumson preschool education.

  I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished allhigh school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income,so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I willreturn to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my lifevalue.

  Yours sincerely,


  美國留學申請書 篇3

  Pursue Sport Pursue Beauty

  In China, the term Sport and the term Physical Education are exchangeableliterally and practically. That is not right. For me sport is a way to feel thethrilling experience of life; pursuing nothing but beauty. To promote sportsspirit I ran for the presidency of the Athletics Department in Student Unionrather than the president of the Union.

  Running for the position had no surprises, not only because I was well knownas an athlete in the basketball court and track and field, but also becausenobody was interested in the position. Still I was excited and I swore I wouldmake sports exciting to everybody on campus.

  For the first organized activity, I chose what I was good at —basketball.Before the sophomore tournament, I organized a less serious game in order toinvite students, interests in sports and basketball. But the survey resultdisappointed me: only five teams from different classes were interested in abasketball tournament. No way could NBA games be exciting with only five teamsto compete with each other; audiences would get bored without long termexpectation and anticipation. “So what should we do?” I asked. “Nothing,” onevice president replied. “There should be something that we can do to make itright,” I said hopefully. “If girls could join that would be good,” a boy tried.t.qq.com/dalianliuxue000 aBingo, that’ s great, we could modify the rule for ourbasketball game,” a girl added. We shouted, yelled, argued, and eventually, weagreed: our game would have three players instead of five, regardless of sex andage while teams are only split by Junior and Senior, and even teachers couldjoin in the senior game.

  At the end of twenty days’ solicitation, we got thirty-two teams registeredin total; almost all with boys and girls mixed, and five teams with teachersincluded. In consideration of so many new-comers for basketball, we slightlychanged the rules: we changed the three seconds violation into five and easedthe traveling violation, and made each half of the game be 15 minutes. “This isnot ‘Basketball, anymore; it is ‘our basketball’,” the girl who had firstsuggested changing the rules claimed.

  The basketball tournament changed the atmosphere of campus. People startedbecoming interested in sports, which brought them excitement, relief, andlaughs. Sports added so much fun to our lives and it also changed our attitudeto our studies and team-ship.

  The success of the game also brought credit for me. After the game, I wasassigned to take charge in organizing 6th YHHS Recreational Sports Meeting, YHHSSpring Sports Meeting, and YH High School Sophomore Basketball Tournament. Ilearned so much in organizing these events, and I was proud of my team. Withouttheir enthusiastic support I wouldn’ t have enjoyed so much of the work - anopportunity to pursue something - beauty that gave me the same feeling aswinning a sport game.

  美國留學申請書 篇4

  I was seven years old when I saw the ocean for the first time. My grandmother had invited me to visit her near Okinawa, Japan. I will never forget that encounter—the intense sun, the endless horizon, the infinite shades of blue that dissolved any boundary between sky and waves. And most of all, the secret of the water. Swimming in those waters was like diving into a kaleidoscope, deceptively plain on the outside, but a show of colors on the inside, waiting to dazzle me, mesmerize me. Those colors! Coral reefs—pink, green, red, purple—covered the seafloor; streaks of sunlight illuminated them, the swaying water creating a dance of hues. And weaving in and out of the contours of coral swam brilliant fish that synchronized every movement with the water, creating one body, one living entity. I longed to join and flow with them to the music of the waves; that’s where I felt I belonged. And leaving was like parting home, not going home.

  Five years later, I returned. At first, all seemed to match my memory: the crystalline waters and that open horizon with the sun daring to come closer to Earth. But the second I dove in, I knew my home had vanished…white. That’s all I could see around me: bone-white death. I couldn’t accept it. I kept swimming farther out, hoping to catch even the smallest hint of color. But there was no sign of that brilliant garden I remembered, just fragments of bleached coral. It was like looking down onto the aftermath of a war: a bombed city, with only the crumbles of cement to testify for the great buildings that once stood. But who was the culprit behind this egregious attack?

  Though at the age of twelve, I couldn’t even begin to guess, I now know the answer is us. Humans are an impressive species: we have traveled to every continent, adapted to countless environments, and innovated to create comfortable means of living. But in the process, we have stolen the colors from nature all around the globe, just as we did that coral reef. Our trail of white has penetrated the forests, the oceans, the grasslands, and spread like a wild disease. I, too, have left a white footprint, so I have a responsibility to right these wrongs, to repaint those colors, and to preserve the ones that remain. Some question why I should care. The answer is simple: this planet is my home, my birthplace. And that, in and of itself, is an inseparable bond and a timeless connection. Nature has allowed me my life, so I have no right to deny its life. As Jane Goodall once said, “If we kill off the wild, then we are killing a part of our souls.” This is my soul—our soul. I know that I alone cannot protect this soul, so I will not make a promise that I cannot fulfill. But this promise I will make: I will do what I can do.


  美國留學申請書 篇5


  Computers have held a life-long fascination for me. What started as aninterest in just using them developed into a growing desire to understand how acollection of simple ideas and components can interact to produce an entity ascomplex and adaptable as a computer. Computers are becoming increasinglyimportant in our everyday lives and I am excited by the fact that I could be atthe forefront of the next generation of computer technologies. I like to keep upto date with science and technology news and I am a regular reader of ‘The NewScientist’. The fact that computers are currently used to replicate even complexbiological processes such as evolution shows the versatility of ComputerScience. My particular interests lie in computer programming as it integratesthe two main aspects of Computer Science that I enjoy most, namely problemsolving and the application of logical thought.

  My enthusiasm for the subject has motivated me to venture outside the scopeof my course. I have developed a number of small VB games, including my ownversions of ‘Pong’ and ‘Space Invaders’. Then, as an introduction to networkprogramming and firewalls, I created a game whereby two players can playcompetitively over a network or via the Internet. I am also furthering myknowledge of Internet programming by learning HTML in my spare time using onlineresources. I look forward to studying other programming languages at degreelevel, particularly fully object oriented languages, and I have already startedto explore this area by teaching myself VB.Net.

  My choice of A-levels further support and complement my intended degree.Further Maths has given me the ability to think logically about problems, a coreskill in studying Computer Science. Furthermore, there is a large overlapbetween Maths and Computer Science; Discrete Maths being particularly closelylinked as they both rely heavily on algorithms and problem-solving techniques.Computer Science has also made an effective contribution to my study ofMechanics. To help with a recent piece of coursework into children’s slides, Ipre-tested my designs using a computer simulation that I developed. Myenthusiasm and aptitude for maths also led me to be selected to participate in‘Maths Masterclasses’, where we explored advanced topics such as a fifthdimension and imaginary numbers.

  In addition to my academic studies, I have many interests and I haveinvolved myself fully with school and college life. I was very pleased to beappointed a prefect at school, which involved being responsible for thesupervision of younger pupils. Apart from computers, my other great passion ismusic. I have played the piano and the cello but my favourite instruments arethe electric and acoustic guitars. In order to pursue my love of composing andperforming music, I formed a band with a few friends and have appeared inseveral charity concerts at school and in the local community. Recently, Icombined my interests in technology and music when I bought a multi-trackrecorder, which allows me to experiment with looping and electronically alteringsamples of music. Drama is also an interest of mine. What I find exciting aboutDrama is the way differing performances of a part can drastically change theaudience’s perception of the work. Through my involvement in various schoolproductions, I got the opportunity to increase my confidence performing in frontof an audience, which I have found invaluable.

  I am a very determined and self-motivated person, and once I have setmyself a goal, I will strive to achieve it. I’m very much looking forward tomeeting like-minded people at university and having the opportunity to getinvolved in the wide range of activities and societies that are on offer.Looking to the future, I am very keen to pursue a career in the Computer Scienceindustry as I believe it to be an extremely dynamic and versatile area of work,with many exciting opportunities.

  Yours sincerely

  美國留學申請書 篇6

  A lot of people assume that to be successful within the dramatic and creative industries, you have to be multi-talented. Walk up on stage with your legs behind your head, singing “I Feel Pretty” whilst somehow managing to tap dance with your remaining limbs and automatically you’re suited for a job in theatre, the lead role in Les Miserables or the perfect person for that new musical that everyone’s talking about. Equally, many people truly believe that to be a famous critic featuring in every literary magazine in Britain you have to have a brain like a thesaurus and to have read everything from Roald Dahl to Nietzsche.

  In my eyes, these are positive achievements that will aid you, definitely; but to really achieve something within any industry, creative or otherwise, you need to work at it with everything you’ve got. You don’t have to be a walking dictionary or a ballet dancing prima donna to be what you want to be; you have to be dedicated. That was how I decided to do Expressive Arts at GCSE and Drama and Theatre Studies at A2 Level; I knew that if I kept it at hobby level and took a relaxed attitude towards it, I would never get anywhere. I worked hard and got the best grades that I could: no one could ask more of me, and I didn’t expect them to. My hobbies consisted of singing, tap dancing, acting, creative writing and generally anything that could be construed as creative. It was never enough however, hence why the subjects were perfect for me. I liked seeing results for my passions, and I still feel that way now.

  I’ve been doing tap dancing for a year now, and I get a huge satisfaction out of it; whenever I feel any strong emotion that I think will overwhelm me, I just walk into a little practice room and tap dance to my hearts content. It’s incredibly important for me to have an outlet, and tap dancing is just that. I’m not the stereotypical dancer, I don’t eat all the right food and I’m certainly not the shape of a dancer, but I work extremely hard to keep up. I love acting; transforming into someone else simply because I can, and most importantly because I want to is amazing, predominantly because of the variation. I often find myself doing this around the house or walking home; I begin creating a character in my mind, thinking of their given circumstances, how I can transform them into a three-dimensional character in front of me. It makes me feel safe yet exhilarated to know that I have that much control over myself to be able to do that, and then return to being myself two minutes later. Joining the Medway Little Theatre in January will allow me to develop and hone it to become a skill.

  Singing is another enthusiasm of mine; it always creates a smile, no matter what. I’ve been part of the Kent Choirs for 6 years; I left last year so that I could concentrate on my A2 Levels fully, though I do wish to return once I’ve settled down at University. It’s always nice to have somewhere familiar to go back to amongst so many new changes. My love for creative writing also began with my love for singing, writing lyrics and music for myself – this soon grew, and I have found that my writing has improved heavily over the years through fiction, auto-biography and poetry, and now want to take this even further, whether academically or within my own spare time.

  I took a year out of studying so that I could decipher what I really wanted out of my life; once I had left Sixth Form, I imagined that I would be happy making money and drifting calmly through life… and have come to realise how very wrong I was! I miss the vigour and excitement of learning something new, of reading new literature and drowning quite happily in debates about Shakespeare. It is now that I long to return to what I once loved and worked hard at, and it is now that I’m grasping my opportunities with both hands. Challenges, variation, passion, hard work and dedication are all things that are clamouring to be back into my vocabulary; this is where it starts.

  美國留學申請書 篇7


  "The aim of Medicine is not to know the disease, but to relieve thesuffering it causes." This quotation from Miguel Angel Garcia sums up whyMedicine is my career choice. A close relative of mine fought cancer for twoyears. I was much younger then, and did not understand why the doctors onlywanted to "make her comfortable", but now I do; and that is partly why I want tobecome a physician myself: not only to work on cures for various diseases butalso to make ill people feel better, because, though I admire research, I firstand foremost see myself as a practising physician. Also, I have been fascinatedwith babies and pregnant women ever since a child, so fascinated in fact thatfor two years running I insisted every morning on my mother telling me the storyof my birth. From an early age on, then, this interest has led me gain a fairamount of knowledge on the human body and how it works.

  I joined the Scouts when I was six years old, and continued with them forfive years. During that time, I received a First-Aid badge and was nominated"Guide" of my group, which meant that I had to lead the way during orientationtests and hikes. These made me develop leadership, communication andorganisational skills that I have used and valued ever since. More recently, Itried to volunteer at a local hospital, but the Portuguese NHS only acceptshelpers over 18 years old. Instead, therefore, I volunteered at the Lisbon Zooevery weekend from December xx through April xx. This experience has taughtme to deal with unexpected situations, because visitors were directed to mewhenever they had a question and because I met new people every week, as thevolunteer body was constantly changing. I will take a First-Aid course with thePortuguese Red Cross from October 13th till 18th, and I have been accepted for aweek of volunteering in the Health Centre of Sao Roque, in the island of Pico,Azores, during the month of April xx under the supervision of Dr. MercesMaciel.

  Physical welfare is very important for me, and sports play a big role in mylife. I have practised swimming for 12 years and, over the course of time, Ihave practised other sports, such as Taekwondo and Yoga, that taught me to relaxin stressful times and environments. I feel that such knowledge can be veryhelpful during University Exams time and while coping with the busy life of aMedical student. In school, I have always been an excellent student, with aninterest not only in science-related disciplines, but also in Literature,Philosophy and languages. I have always liked reading books, such as The Man WhoMistook his Wife for a Hat and other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks orMetamorphosis by Kafka, that introduced me to the intricacies of the mind, withwhich I am fascinated this year in my Psychology course. In Philosophy, I have adeep interest in Ethics, a theme I believe to be very close to Medicine. Next toPortuguese, I can speak and write English and French and can handle Spanishquite tolerably. I will sit the TOEFL on November 22nd.

  A trait of my personality which I think differentiates me from otherapplicants is my creativity. I am a very creative and artistic person; I writepoetry and make short movies. Creativity is, in my opinion, a very importantcharacteristic of a good physician, as it is a help during investigationprocesses and in difficult diagnosis situations. In the future, I would like tospecialise in Obstetrics, Paediatrics or Internal Medicine. I have made thedecision of studying in the UK because I believe that British universities rateamong the finest in the world and because I want to learn from the top-people inthe fast changing field of Medicine. If I am given this opportunity, I am surethat it will be a wonderful experience that I will savour and cherish for therest of my life, and that will make all the difference when it comes toadvancing my career plans.

  Yours sincerely,


  美國留學申請書 篇8

Dear x,

  In the deepest recesses of my memories is the boulevard lined with Chineseparasol trees located outside my house. When I was just ten years old, my fatherput me at the back of his bicycle and rode me every weekend to attend Englishclasses in the nearby community center (English was not part of elementaryschool education in China at that time). On this road of questing for my firstwestern education, I, as a girl who loved to indulge in observations andmeditations, kept an observant eye on the changing colors of the leaves all theyear round. The rotation of seasons and the cyclical changes of the treesimpressed me with the transitoriness of life and the urgency of making my lifesubstantial within its transitory span. My present application for an advanceddegree program at your esteemed university is by far the most important step inmy relentless efforts to make my life substantial.

  Dealing with figures has been our family tradition. As my mother is astatistician and my grandma a certified public account, as a teenager I had alsocommenced my observations and reflections on figures and calculations in thestatements and reports that they had prepared with strong curiosity andinterest. This interested strengthened my love for mathematics, often describedas the “gymnastics of abstract thinking.” From elementary school to middleschool, it was virtually a rule for me to achieve straight A’s in almost everycourse related to mathematics, a talent which has always made me feel proud ofmyself. Deep in my subconscious, I knew that a career related to mathematicswould fit me most perfectly. Therefore, when I gained my undergraduateadmission, I chose to specialize in Mathematics at Beijing Normal University. Ibelieve that this specialty has provided me with a perfect arena to give vent tomy passion for mathematics. My dedication to studies in mathematics andeffective strategies of learning, plus voluminous readings of technicalliterature in various academic journals, have led to my top third ranking in myclass and a number of major scholarships.

  My greatest passion for learning mathematics was stimulated when I came todiscover the foundational importance in social sciences, the essential functionof mathematics behind its abstract concepts and number theories. When I firststudied Advanced Mathematics, I was not clear about the real use of abstractmathematical theories. This kind of puzzlement lasted until I found that thegenuine function of mathematics lied in its ability to solve problems in thereal world objectively and scientifically, to develop human wisdom, to enableone to arrive at higher horizons and to examine problems with insights anddiscriminations. The courses that have particularly fascinated me most areMathematical Analysis, Higher Geometry, Probability Theory, MathematicalStatistics, and Matrix Construction in Mathematics. Those courses allowed me toexperience the charm of mathematics’ symbolic language and that of mathematicalthinking, in addition to its omnipresent utility.

  As an undergraduate, I am most proud of my experience of constructing theSocial and Economic Growth Model as a team member representing our universityduring a mathematical modeling contest in Beijing. As our three-person teamlacked the experience of applying theoretical knowledge to practical problems,we felt at an impasse in the face of the challenging task. I took some time toexamine in detail all the mathematical models we had learned in class andproposed the idea of dividing the entire modeling into individual modules andpiecing them together to form a complete model. Eventually our team was awardedsecond prize at this provincial contest. In retrospect, it is precisely thisexperience that aroused my serious interest in the application of mathematics inthe realms of economics and finance. To further develop myself in thisdirection, I studied a lot of optional courses including macroeconomics,microeconomics, e-commerce, etc. Thenceforward, I developed a new objective—tocombine my knowledge of mathematics with economics and finance and to exploitthe function of mathematics in social life.

  My undergraduate thesis, entitled Vector Quantity and Geometry, thoughpurely theoretical in appearance, is actually a vivid description of howmathematical theories can be applied to reality. It focuses on precise analysisof those potential yet absolute relationships between different entities and howwe can uncover and examine those relationships from mathematical perspectives.Rated by the department academic council as “Class A”, the thesis has beenaccepted by the editorial board of our departmental journal for publication.

  Apart from cultivating my rigorous attitude for scientific research anddeveloping my analytical and problem-solving abilities, I have taken an activepart in extracurricular activities. With my strengths in mathematics, I passed anumber of certification tests with much facility, including Microsoft CertifiedProfessional, Microsoft Office-Use Specialist, and LOTUS 1-2-3. I have beencorrespondent and editor for our campus radio broadcasting station and campuswebsite. My English proficiency qualified me as a volunteer working for theBeijing Worldwide Chinese Businessmen Meeting. In summer vacation, I workedpart-time at a local accounting firm where I exercised my knowledge ofmathematics and skills of electronic computation to establish for the firm afinancial database. I also worked on preparing business accounting plans anddigitalized financial management plans for the firm’s clients.

  My experiences of social practices have permitted me to understand howmathematics can best be used. As far as I am concerned, my lack of advancedacademic knowledge, especially my lack of in-depth understanding of economicsand finance, and my lack of formal and systematic trainings in those fields,have constituted my “bottleneck” for further academic development. The overallsituation in China is that there is an oversupply of theoretical mathematicianswhile applied mathematicians are sorely needed. Interdisciplinary subjectsbetween mathematics and economics, such as financial mathematics, actuaryscience, economic engineering, and mathematical economics, are virtuallynonexistent in China. The consequence is that China’s economic development willbe seriously hampered for the lack of those important sciences. Great Britainplays a leading role in the world both in financial sciences and in education.Those two factors have motivated me to seek advanced studies there.

  In this Personal Statement, I would like to indicate to you unequivocallymy intention to specialize in financial mathematics, mathematical economics, orsimilar programs of an interdisciplinary nature. My choice is motivated by theconsideration that in China virtually all financial professionals do not possessa strong background in mathematics, thus they rely heavily on foreign technicalmodels and concepts. However, China’s economic conditions and models differ fromthose in Western countries and any unquestioning importation would becounterproductive. My plan is to probe into the possibility of developing someeconomic and financial models that best fit in with China’s circumstances basedon a critical analysis of Western models and extensive practices. Projects inthose areas will be what I am most concerned with and interested in.

  London School of Economics and Politics is reputed for its time-honoredhistory, respected for its distinctive status in economics and finance, alongwith its unparalleled research and pedagogical standards. Advanced educationalconcepts and methodologies there would undoubtedly broaden my vision andperspectives, enhance my fundamental skills in devising and launchinglarge-scale cases. Most importantly, for a woman like me who has a penchant forEnglish culture in general and English literature in particular, going to studyin Britain will foster my spirit of independence the way Jane Eyre did. Nothingcan delight me more than to observe and to experience, with heart and soul, thehistorical, cultural legacies of such a great country.

  Yours sincerely,


  美國留學申請書 篇9

  Letters of recommendation are a very important part of the application process. As colleges become more and more sought out from the increasing number of applicants each year, the need to stand out from the competition is also increasing. Below we will provide helpful information on how to write a college recommendation as well as advice for tailoring each letter.

  Know the candidate - it may sound obvious, but it is important that you know the candidate well. After all, how can you write a college recommendation letter for a someone you know little about? Recommendations written for candidates with a vague familiarity are often identifiable and can do more harm than good.

  Obtain a rsum - another tip on how to write a collage recommendation letter is to first obtain the student's rsum with a listing of his or her GPA, activities, awards, leadership roles, community service, employment experience and special skills. The more information you have about a particular candidate, the more constructive your recommendation can be.

  美國留學申請書 篇10

Dear teacher:


  My name is x, x, I am 18 years old this year, and I am a student in theexperimental class of Senior Three in x Provincial Key Middle School (ProvincialDemonstrative High School)-x Middle School. I hope to realize my dream ofstudying in x university through the independent enrollment of your school Thankyou for reviewing my self-recommendation letter in your busy schedule.(Introduce yourself and the school)

  xThe university is one of the earliest universities in my country. Her longhistory, perfect teaching and research facilities and beautiful campusenvironment have always attracted me. She has rich teaching resources, a goodacademic atmosphere, and a strong atmosphere of the times. It has cultivatedmany outstanding talents and is one of the first batch of universities to enterthe key construction of the project. It has formed a discipline system withoutstanding characteristics and distinct advantages. It is to cultivate a highlevel and high level of national economic and social development, information,and transportation, especially the modernization of rail transit. An importantbase for high-level talents. (Introduction to the University)

  I really want to be a university student, where I learn the skills to buildthe motherland and become a senior technical talent for modernization. I havebeen in a leading position in academic performance since elementary school. Withmy own strength, I was admitted to the x Provincial Key High School——xMiddleSchool. After three years of tempering, I have grown from a simple and livelygirl.

  is an outstanding student who is strong-willed, mature and introverted,loves life, caring and self-motivated, and has a comprehensive development ofmorality, intelligence and physical fitness. (Self-blowing)

  I have a cheerful personality and a wide range of interests, especially incomputer, physics, and chemistry. I like computer production. I won the firstprize in the x City Information Technology Computer Works Competition, the xCity third prize in the National Middle School Physics and Biology Competition,and the x City Third Prize in the Olympic High School Chemistry Competition. Wasrated as a "learning pacesetter" by the school. I also like to write. Iparticipated in the composition contest organized by the school and won thesecond prize. (Explain the award)

  I like to participate in various activities organized by the school, and Iam good at organizing class scientific and technological activities. I am acaring and self-motivated person. After the 5.12 earthquake, I actively organizedonations for everyone; during the Beijing Olympics, I competed to be avolunteer. "Little security guard"; During the Qingming Festival, I helped theteacher organize the classmates to participate in the grave-sweeping activity inthe cemetery of the martyrs, which was tempered in social practice. I also liketo sing, play the piano, and actively participate in various cultural activitiesorganized by the school. (social activity)

  I am a decisive and independent person who is willing to take theinitiative in my own hands. I like to learn proactively. A relaxed andstress-free learning environment makes it easier to get twice the result withhalf the effort. I will enjoy myself when I play. I forget about it, but I willdevote myself to it when I study. Once faced with difficulties, I will use myfull potential. I often use less time to learn the knowledge that others canacquire in the standard study time. I have completed the mid-term final exams inhigh school.

  In the test, my results have always been leading. These are all derivedfrom my scientific learning methods and good learning habits. As a member of thestudy committee of the class, I work conscientiously and responsibly. I wasnamed the Excellent Class Leader of Middle School, and was awarded the honorarytitle of x City Three Good Student. (Character, class life)

  xUniversity is my dream university hall. If I am lucky enough to beadmitted this time, I will eagerly absorb knowledge and learn skills in a goodlearning environment, and become a high-level technical talent in theconstruction of the motherland.

  I implore the teachers of your school to accept my application so that myideal can be realized as soon as possible.

  Yours sincerely

  美國留學申請書 篇11

Dear x,

  A Master’s student of accounting at Xiamen University, the besthigher-learning institution in China’s strategically important Province ofFujian, across the Straits from Taiwan, I would like to pursue Ph. D. studies inyour distinguished program so that I can be assured a teaching career in mymotherland.

  My education so far is characterized by indisputable excellence. During thefour years of my undergraduate studies, my GPA was consistently the highest inmy class of 135 students. As you can see from the transcripts of my academicrecord, I received straight A’s for all the courses except for first-yearPhysical Education. My graduation was rated “Outstanding”, the highest ratingpossible. An in-depth analysis of the ethical standards of Chinese auditors, thepaper was later published in a quality professional journal as a seminal studyof a rarely studied topic in China. As the unquestionably best student in myyear, I was accepted into graduate studies by the university without thenormally mandatory entrance examinations.

  In recognition of my academic performance and other strengths, I wasdecorated with many honors and accolades during my undergraduate studies. I waselected the monitor of the class and the Vice President of the university’sStudent Union, making me the most important female student leader on campus.Among the financial awards I won was the Jiageng Scholarship, the university’smost prestigious award named after its founder Chen Jiageng, one of the bestknown patriotic Chinese in the first half of this century. The Jiageng/scholarship is offered to only ten students each year, and the offer is usuallypresented to the recipients by the university’s president in person in a grandceremony, as it was in 1996, when I got it.

  In my undergraduate studies, I had broad academic interests, although Imajored in accounting. I regularly read academic journals, both Chinese andinternational, to keep me abreast of the latest developments in accounting andother related fields. I devoted considerable time to learning such subjects aslaw and economics. My extensive knowledge provided me solid grounding as Inarrowed down my research interest to professional ethics of accountants. In acountry that has only an inchoate legal regime governing professional practice.Enforcing high ethical standards is both difficult and critical. But studieshave been scant and haphazard so far. I am glad that I have made quite somecontribution to the country’s discourse in this area.

  My undergraduate studies were greatly enriched with a most rewardinginternship program. As a CPA assistant working for the Accounting Firmaffiliated to the university, I took part in the auditing of several majorcorporations. In the process, I learned not only to put my book knowledge inpractice but also acquired first-hand knowledge of how Chinese accountants,operating under inadequate laws and regulations, handled difficult issues. Suchknowledge has constituted an important part of the basis for my research on theethical questions of Chinese accountants and auditors.

  In my graduate studies, I have broadened my intellectual horizon andrefined my accounting expertise. The courses I took related to both theories andmethodologies of accounting and auditing. But the more significant part of mylearning is to be found perhaps not in the courses but in the research projectsthat I have taken part in together with my professors. I have, for example,helped my professors in compiling and editing a major textbook for thecontinuing education program of the ALL-China Association of CertifiedAccountants. The book, Cases of Auditing, has just been published and isexpected to substantiate the curriculum of the continuing education program.

  In my Ph. D. studies, I wish to focus my studies and research on auditing,particularly in relation to audit risk, auditor’s decision-making, ethics ofauditing. I am also interested in accounting theories. I heard of Penn StateUniversity while I was still an undergraduate student, and I know that itsaccounting program is marked by selectivity and excellence. I hope that, bystudying in your program, I will be able to build on my academic record so farfor a promising career as a teacher in China a few years down the road.

  Yours sincerely

  美國留學申請書 篇12

  For me the appeal of anthropology is that it draws on a wide range of disciplines, and that it combines theory with empirical study. Anthropology is a useful discipline in the world, where, for example, its use in developing countries is needed to give appropriate consideration as to how to successfully aid development without harming or diluting the country’s indigenous cultures. In my A level courses I have enjoyed the juxtaposition of scientific enquiry with the imaginative scope allowed me by my other subjects. The precision of chemistry, the polemic nature of history and the perceptiveness and observational powers fostered by my classics studies have created a dynamic I’ve enjoyed.

  Part of my family lives in Denmark and I feel as though I have been brought up between two worlds; while I consider myself as belonging to both, this has meant that I constantly compare the two, conscious of them each. One of my cousins in Copenhagen gave me ‘Soul Hunters’ by Rane Willerslev, which ignited my passion for anthropology because it combines exploration and adventure with observation and contemplation. It made me see the beauty of the discipline as Willerslev writes so tenderly and I could see that one doesn’t have to completely eliminate any trace of one’s personal self in order to achieve an objective view, but simply be aware of one’s own subjectivity.

  Last summer I spent six weeks in the Andes teaching English to primary school children. I was living with a family which accepted me as a surrogate daughter while I was there, even taking me on their family holiday during the ‘fiestas patrias’. This gave me an invaluable chance to experience daily life in Peru. I enjoyed watching the rate at which my Spanish improved during my stay. I also tried to learn some Quechua. It was good to get a feel for the language as it is very central to the identity of the indigenous Peruvians of that area. The experience in highland Peru drew my attention to the wide and apparently unbridgeable gaps in wealth and existences of people that are living side by side but almost unaware of each other. Even with my host family it was strikingly evident that their friendship groups were almost exclusively held with other people of the same kind of economic and ethnic background. I am now reading ‘Linking Separate Worlds, urban migrants and rural lives in Peru’ by Karsten Paerregaard, which is a study of the social identity that urban migrants carry with them.

  One afternoon a week I help archive in the small local history museum where amongst other things I am learning about the history of indexing and also about the way that museums and exhibits are arranged. I have just started a course in a circus school and work on Saturdays at an arts bar in London. I am excited about going to University and being in an environment where no one is afraid to think, or is constrained by boundaries created by learning just for exams. Having been involved in the Amnesty International team at school and in starting up the fledgling ecology group and school magazine I would like to continue to seek out and get involved in things that inspire, challenge and stimulate me.

  美國留學申請書 篇13

Dear xx,

  The media's the most powerful entity on earth. An interesting quote fromMalcolm X, who also claimed, Without education, you're not going anywhere inthis world. I wish to combine these two passions and follow my ambition tobecome a journalist by continuing my studies into Higher Education. It is wellknown that power attracts and I, like many others, have become enchanted by thepower of the written and spoken word. This fascination has created a deepinterest in writing, and Journalism provides the perfect outlet to develop myskills.

  Ive heard enough about the media industry to realise that experience iseverything, and as Sixth Form Reporter on the College committee, I gain regularexperience of journalistic writing and meeting deadlines. I have written for theofficial college Network, which is sent home to parents, and the StudentNewspaper.

  When selecting my A Level subjects, I seemed drawn to essay based courses.I enjoy writing and the courses undoubtedly helped my writing skills. However, Iwas required to make the opening of a film in Media, which was an experience tosay the least! It increased my interest in Broadcast Journalism. Until thatmoment, I only had eyes for Print. Creative writing has always been one of myfavourite aspects of English, and the coursework gave me the chance to write inwhichever style I chose, one piece was a newspaper feature on Chelsea FootballClub. I have always been interested in Sports Writing and Im consideringspecialising in it at a later date. I have chosen to continue four of my five ASLevels onto A2, even though it was not necessary. I have always found Psychologyquite challenging as it involves deep levels of critical analysis, so I decidedto carry on as I find it extremely intriguing. The different theories as to whyhumans do the things they do, attract me because I am interested in how peopleact, though one could hardly call me an anthropologist! My main priorities areEnglish, Media and Sociology as I feel they will aid me most in my ambition,although I still find Psychology a fascinating subject.

  I have often said that nothing is impossible, yet asking me to name myfavourite book is asking too much. Some much-loved literature includes TheHobbit, Gone With The Wind, and Jane Eyre. In my opinion a good novel shouldevoke a variety of emotions from beginning to end. Music may not be my firstlove, but it is definitely one of my passions; I have high passes in grade 3flute, singing, and grade 5 piano. Like my literary tastes, my choice of musicis eclectic; I like anything from hip-hop to classical, soul to rock, and pastto present. I also love Black history, musicals, and icons of film and music,such as Audrey Hepburn, John Lennon, and Sinatra. Lennon once said, We all wantto change the world, I empathise with this view and seek to achieve it using mychosen profession and the power of the media.

  Yours sincerely,


  美國留學申請書 篇14

Dear x,

  I am planning to pursue graduate studies towards a Ph.D. degree at yourschool of engineering starting from the fall of 1999.

  My interest in the building structure can be traced back to my success inhigh school years, when I excelled my fellow classmates in physics and geometry.This not only fired off my interest in structural design but also helped to laysolid groundwork for my undergraduate studies in civil engineering, whichheavily involved mechanics in physics and solid geometry.

  With excellent scores in the compulsory national university entranceexamination, I won acceptance in 1991 into the Beijing Polytech University, oneof China’s top 10 engineering schools, particularly well-known for itsstructural engineering. For five years at this university, I received strict andthorough training in areas such as building structures, building materials. Soilmechanics and foundation, concrete and masonry structures, construction, steelstructure and earthquake resistant structure. I also took every opportunity toparticipate in co-po work and projects commissioned by construction and designcompanies.

  Opportunities abound for civil engineers and civil engineering students inChina, which now houses the world’s fastest growing major economy. At everyyear’s job fair held on the campus of the Polytech University, more than 200positions compete for 60-odd graduating students. Under such circumstances,undergraduate students in their fifth year are also in high demand forinternship at various construction companies and design institutes. Virtuallyevery student gets a full workload immediately upon starting the internship andassumes considerable responsibilities soon afterwards.

  I became the luckiest among the lucky by winning a rare opportunity for anycivil engineer: to participate in the design of the Beijing Western RailwayStation, the largest urban structure in China up to date. This happened while Iinterned, along with five other schoolmates, at the Beijing ArchitecturalInstitute. This institute has designed virtually all the modern landmarkbuildings in China, including the famous Great Hall of the People and the Museumof Revolutionary History on the Tian an men Square, the Beijing Railway Stationand the Asian Games Village. It was on the strength of my academic merits that Igot to enjoy these opportunities.

  The Western station project in Beijing consisted of the mail hall (70,000square meters), south wing building group (40,000 square meters) and north wingbuilding group (35,000 square meters). My task was to assist in the design of ashopping centre in the south wing which had 16,000 square meters. Iindependently accomplished a quarter of the design for the whole building,mainly responsible for the foundation design, calculation and drawing of steeldistribution of beam, floor, columns and concrete piles. I cherished thisopportunity to apply the knowledge I had learned in the classroom to the realworld problems and I worked with my utmost dedication.

  I, however, soon found out that, even in this monumental project, designtechniques applied in many cases left much to be desired. When treating the windload, the earthquake force and the effect of frozen soil, historical data andintelligent estimates were used in place of accurate measuring. This phenomenonmade me determined to improve my knowledge and skills in a graduate program thatcan teach sophisticated know-how, such as yours.

  It regrettably turned out that the design of the mail hall was seriouslyflawed, which drew intense media attention nationwide. The structure sank twometers after completion. As experts continue to help the court determine who isresponsible, I myself have been awed by this drama and kept researching it eversince it became known.

  My tentative explanation, submitted to take into account the undergroundwater’s power of buoyancy, even though the structure base was put below thewaterbed. The structure floated until enough load was mounted. The properconstruction method therefore should have involved artificial precipitationuntil the completion of structure.

  Upon graduation in 1996, I joined the Beijing Biggest Co., one of the fourlargest construction companies in China, and immediately took on managementduties as an assistant manger at the construction site. I have supervised steelengineering, concrete engineering and platform engineering for theretwenty-three story buildings in the Beijing DD residential area, a total of60,000 square meters in apartments. In this capacity, I was compelled to learnmanagement skills which had never been taught in the classroom. Althoughconstruction management is not what I foresee to be a lifetime pursuit, Iexecuted my duty meticulously and creatively. I became the first constructionsite manager in the company to conduct experiments comparing box-weirmaintenance and the traditional manual watering method. By using box-weirmethod, weak concrete and cracks in the concrete were eliminated. Through theseimportant, albeit small, steps of improvement, I have derived immensesatisfaction.

  My vigorous academic training and exposure to intricate design problems andcomplex construction management issues has stood me in good stead professionallycompared to my peers. My plan to further my career through advanced studiesstems from self-confidence in my academic calibre and also a strong desire tosolve design and construction problems encountered at work. I have researchedyour program based on the materials I have available to me and decided thatadvanced studies under your seasoned guidance will be a shortcut for me to reachmy goal. I request that you give my application for admission and financialsupport favourable consideration.

  Yours sincerely

  美國留學申請書 篇15

  A book called Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction by Peter Just and John Monaghan inclined me to study social anthropology as I believe it is necessary to study another way of life in order to extend our own. I am inquisitive and interested in human existence. I feel sociology would be a good preparation for a variety of careers and it will help me keep my options open. Having researched the modules that will be covered in the subject, I find the subject even more compelling. I am keen to learn about other cultures as I feel it will enhance my self and help me to abandon narrow vision. A degree will contribute to fulfilling my academic potential. It will also allow me to deepen my understanding of the aspects which constantly affect our lives, from the seemingly trivial to those of utmost importance, the fascination of these subjects lie in the fact that it has made me see in a new light. Considering my background and my interests, I am choosing a degree in anthropology and sociology. I am currently studying A-Level sociology, media and business studies. All three subjects have also helped broaden my critically thinking skills. These are important as it has helped me view situations from a more objective perspective which might be transferred to conducting ethnographic research. I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of sociology and it is my strongest subject. It has helped me make sense of the world and has become an integral part of my life. So far it has been beneficial to me in many ways. For example, the module on education enlightened me with reasons for underachievement in gender. Understanding these reasons for success or failure has helped me improve my own educational experience. I find sociology interesting as the concepts are useful when debating and can be applied to everyday life. ‘Power and politics’ is really enjoyable as I became aware of the political spectrum and ideologies which underline each wing. Research methods developed my critical reasoning but sociology in general has taught me intellectually stimulating material which is why I desire to study the subject further.

  Having lived in London and worked in a Japanese restaurant; I have fostered an appreciation of social and cultural diversity. The way Japanese norms and values differ from those of the Western world fascinates me and I wish to learn more about other cultures, as well as our own society. Travelling to Northern Ireland gave me ‘global specs’ as I gained a different understanding of their society and it changed what I knew. My part-time job has made me realize the importance of higher education in order to better myself. It has also improved areas of expertise such as time-management and working in a people orientated environment.

  My hobbies range from contemporary dance to horse-riding. I enjoy traveling and learning new languages. I am also an avid reader who enjoys non-fictional texts. In my spare time I like to learn Swahili and Japanese. My aim is to enroll on a French and/or Spanish course at University to advance my language skills. In the summer I helped organize an event for Love Music Hate Racism. The aim of the charity is to prevent an extreme right-wing ideology that is fascist from gaining a platform. They celebrate diversity through music and urge people to vote against fascist candidates in elections. This year I was voted class representative for the Student union which has given me the opportunity to use my organizational and leadership skills. I need to be coherent, and understanding of students’ needs. Representing my class has improved my communication skills which are vital for getting the student’s points across.

  Overall, I believe I possess the skills necessary to complete this course at University and I am determined to do my best.

  美國留學申請書 篇16

Dear x,

  Life is one of the most complex phenomena in the universe and questionssuch as 'how did life begin?' and 'what makes us human?' are perhaps as old asman itself. As my studies have advanced and the boundaries between the scienceshave began to blur, the complexity of life, particularly on the molecular scale,has fascinated me; I find it incredible that I, a living and conscious being,consist mostly of just six common elements. As far as humans have cometechnologically, our technology pales in comparison to the work of nature. Thiscomplexity, however, has an underlying order and beauty that has reallycaptivated me. My fascination in biochemistry stems from my study of biology andchemistry, both of which have long been the school subjects I have enjoyed themost. This interest spurred me to read around these subjects during my studies.Through reading books such as 'The Biochemistry of Life' by ... and 'The SelfishGene' by Richard Dawkins, as well as articles in publications such as NewScientist, I have been able to more clearly discover what studying biochemistryentails and appreciate the breadth of biological disciplines with which itoverlaps. This has reinforced my decision to study biochemistry, as it is adiscipline of great importance to many biological disciplines that I have foundto be of great interest through my extended reading, particularly genetics. Thisappeals to my all-round love of science, which inevitably led me study all threesciences to A2 Level. The rapidly advancing and cutting-edge nature ofbiochemistry means that it will present many moral and ethical implications inthe future and these add to the excitement and relevance of the subject intoday's world.

  I jumped at the opportunity to attend a biochemistry taster day at ImperialCollege London during the summer of 2006. This proved to be a valuableexperience, inspiring me as to where an education in biochemistry could lead andalso giving me an insight into the practical work involved. My regular readingof New Scientist and Chemistry Review magazines has allowed me to appreciatescience on a more global scale, outside of the classroom. This has also helpedto increase my awareness of some of the pressing ethical issues that ourscientific advancement will present us in the future. Regularly attending mysixth form's debating society allowed me to develop the communication skillsrequired to discuss such issues. I have also gained essential life skills suchas time management and gained independence through my part-time work, in both alocal chemist and a bookshop.

  My fascination in the world around me has not only fuelled my scientificcuriosity, but also my interest in foreign languages and cultures, which Iintend to explore as part of my gap year. I enjoy the fresh perspective thattravelling and embracing a foreign culture can bring to life. I find ittremendously rewarding to be able to communicate with someone in their mothertongue, as I discovered when I had a French exchange student stay with me lastyear. This, coupled with my long established interest in Japanese culture, hasprompted me to recently begin teaching myself Japanese. Learning such adifferent language is definitely a challenge, but one which I am enjoying andintend to continue in the future. I strongly believe that in our global society,the need for languages and an understanding of other cultures and customs isbecoming increasingly important in life and in the workplace. I excitinglyanticipate the vast array of opportunities that the experience of universitywill open up to me and I hope to explore these to build upon and expand myinterests.

  Yours sincerely,






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